I 0 First Halfword Byte 1 I I Byte 2
Register Register I I Operand 1 Operand 2 _-A- __ Second Halfword Op Code
R1 R2 I RR Format
8 12 15, Register Operand 1 ,...---J- , I Address qperand 2
Third Halfword Op Code I R1
2 B2 I D2
12 16 20 I-- ____ --'- __ __ ..L-. ________ R
X Format 31, 0 8 , IRS Form,,1- , _____ --1- _________ SI Format 31, I I S Format Six Basic Instruction Formats
the second operand is extended with high-order ze­
ros up to the length of the first operand. Such exten­
sion does not modify the second operand in storage.
In the SS format with a single, eight-bit length
field, L specifies the number of additional operand
bytes to the right of the byte designated by the first­
operand address. Therefore, the length.in bytes of
the first operand is 1-256, corresponding to a length
code in L of 0-255. Storage reshlts replace the first
operartd and are never store-rl oUtside the field speci­
fied by the address and length. In this format, the
second operand has the same length as the first oper­
and, except for the following instructions: EDIT,
Address Generation
The address used to refer to main storage either is
contained in a register designated by the R field in
the instruction or is calculated from the following : Address Operand 2 SS Format
three binary numbers:
Base Address is a 24-bit number contained in a
general register specifed by the program in a four-bit
field, called the B field, in the instruction. Base ad­
dresses can be used as a means of independently
addressing each prografu and data area. In array­
type calculations, it carl specify the location of an
array, and, in record-type processing, it can identify
the record. The base address provides for addressing
the entire main storage. The base address may also
be used for indexing purposes,
Index is a 24-bit number contained in a general
register designated by the program in a four-bit field,
called the X field, in the instruction. It is included
only in the address specified by the RX instruction
format. The RX format instructions permit double
indexing; that is, the index can be used to provide
the address of an element within an array.
Displacement is a 12-bit number contained in a
field, called the D field, in the instruction. The dis- Program Execution 21
placement provides for relative addressing of up to 4,095 bytes beyond the location designated by the
base address. In array-type calculations, the dis­
placement can be used to specify one of many items associated: with an element. In the processing of
records, the displacement can be used to identify
items within a record.
In forming the address, the base address and in­
dex are treated as unsigned 24-bit positive binary
integers. The displacement is similarly treated as a
12-bit positive binary integer, and 12 high-order
zeros are appended. The three are added as 24-bit
binary numbers, ignoring overflow. The sum is al­
ways 24 bits long. The bits of the generated address
are numbered 8-31, corresponding to the numbering
of the bas'e-address and index bits in the general
A zero in any of the X2, Bl, or B2 fields indicates
the absenee of the corresponding address compo­
nent. For the absent component, a zero is used in
forming the address, regardless of the contents of
general register 0. A displacement of zero has no
special significance.
An instruction can designate the same general
register both for address computation and as the
location of an operand. Address computation is
completedl prior to the execution of the operation.
Unless otherwise indicated in the individual in­
struction definition, the computed operand address
designates an operand in main storage. When a
main-storage operand is designated, the address des­
ignates the leftmost byte of the operand. For
branching instructions, the second-operand address
is used as the branch address. For shifting instruc­
tions, the second-operand address is not used as an
address but specifies the shift amount. Prograr.n Status Word
The program status word (PSW) is 64 bits in length
and contains the information required for proper
program execution. The PSW includes the instruc­
tion address, condition code, and other fields. In
general, the PSW is used to control instruction se­
quencing and to hold and indicate the status of the
system in relation to the program currently being
executed. The active or controlling PSW is called the cun-ent PSW. By storing the current PSW during an
interruption, the status of the CPU can be preserved
for subsequent inspection. By loading a new PSW or
part of a PSW, the state of the CPU can be initial­
ized or changed.
22 System/370 Principles of Operation
Instruction Execution
In program execution, the instruction is fetched from
the location designated by the instruction address in
the current PSW. The instruction address is then
increased by the number of bytes in the instruction
in order to address the next instruction in sequence.
The instruction is then executed, and the same steps
are repeated using the new value of the instruction
The normal sequential execution of instructions may
be changed by the use of the branching instructions
in order to perform subroutine linkage, decision­
making, and loop control.
Subroutine linkage is provided by the BRANCH
AND LINK instructions, which permit not only the
introduction of a new instruction address but also
the preservation of the return address and associated
Facilities for decision making are provided by the
BRANCH ON CONDITION instruction. This in­
struction inspects a two-bit condition code that re­
flects the result of a majority of the arithmetic, logi­
cal, and I/O operations. Each of these operations
can set the code in anyone of four states, and the
instruction BRANCH ON CONDITION can specify
any selection of these four states as the criterion for
branching. For example, the condition code reflects
such conditions as nonzero, first operand high,
equal, overflow, channel busy, and zero. Once set,
the condition code remains unchanged until modified
by an instruction that causes a different condition
code to be set.
The two bits of the condition code provide for
four possible condition code settings: 0, 1, 2, and 3.
The specific meaning of any setting depends on the
operation that sets the condition code.
Loop control can be performed by the use of
BRANCH ON CONDITION to test the outcome of
address arithmetic and c0unting operations. For
some particularly frequent combinations of arithme­
tic and tests, the instructions BRANCH ON COUNT and BRANCH ON INDEX are provided.
These branches, being specialized, provide increased
performance for these tasks.
The interruption system permits the CPU to change
state as a result of conditions external to the system,
in input/output (I/O) units, or in the CPU itself. Six classes of interruption conditions are possible: ma­
chine check, supervisor call, program, external, I/O, and restart.
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