allocation, Rses storage 3-21 AIS system service program
organiz ation 3-36 C chaining of data areas, file TAG
manipulation 3-30 RSCS 3-5
control program, Rses 3-1
cross reference t label to module, Rses 3-61
message-to-label, Rses 3-11
module to latel, Rses 3-51
data areas
Rses 3-18 VM/310, referenced by Rses 3-20 tIAGBOSE instruction, issued by Rses 3-1
diagnostic aids, Rses 3-69
directories 3-39 entry point directory, Rses 3-47 F file TAG manipulation, chaining of data
areas 3-30 G GIVE/TAKE transaction, movement of data Index L
label to module cross reference, RSCS 3-61 line driver programs NPT 3-11 SML 3-14
handling by 3-28
handling files 3-29
transmitting VM/310 files to 3-29 M management I/O, Rses 3-9
task, Rses 3-9
virtual storage, Rses 3-10
message-to-label cross reference, Rses
module directory, Rses 3-41
module entry point directory, Rses 3-41
module to label cross reference, Rses 3-51
movement of data, GIVE/TAKE transaction 3-2"1 multitasking supervisor, program
organization of 3-34 It network, control, Rses 3-5
NPT line driver program 3-11
function selector 3-18 I/O processing 3-18
line monitor 3-18
NPT line driver task, program organization
3-27 0 B
handling, link activity, Rses 3-28
input/output I/O) interrupt, handling, Rses 3-10 introduction, Rses 3-1
management, Rses 3-9
active and pending queues 3-28
methods and techniques 3-21
queues and subqueues 3-29
overview, Rses 3-3
processing, RSeS, files from remote
sta tions 3-30
program organization
Rses 3-31
Rses overview 3-33
Index 3-17
remote, stations, RSCS processing of files
from 3-30 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Su tsyst em) )
requests, RSCS 3-20 requirements, RSCS storage 3-20 REX system service tasks, program
organiz ation 3=35 RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications
sutsystem) AXS system service task, program organization 3-36
control program 3-7
data areas 3-18 VM/370 3-20 BIAGNOSE instructions 3-7
diagnostic aids 3-69
interrupt handling 3-10 introduction 3-1 I/O active and pending queues 3-28
method and techniques 3-27
queues and subqueues 3-29
label to module cross reference 3-61
handling 3-28
handling files 3-29
transmitting VM/370 files to 3-29
management I/O 3-9
task 3-9
virtual storage 3-10 message-to-Iabel cross reference 3-71 module directory 3-41
module entry point directory 3-47
module to label cross reference 3-57
multitasking supervisor, program
organization of 3-34
network control 3-5
commands 3-5
CP and CMS commands used 3-6
CP instructions used 3-7
NPT line driver program 3-17
function selector routine 3-18 I/O processing routines 3-18
line monitor routine 3-18
NPT line driver task, program organization 3-38
overview 3-3
processing files from remote stations 3-30 program organization 3-31
overview 3-33
request elements 3-20 REX system service tasks, program
organization 3-35 SML line driver prograa 3-14
buffer routines 3-17
function selector routine 3-16 I/O handler routine 3-16
processors 3-15 SML line driver task, program organization 3-37
storage allocation 3-21
storage requirements 3-20 supervisor ..1-0 TAG file descriptor 3-20 task structure 3-11
tasks 3-11
ALERT task-to-task communication
asynchronous interrupts and exits
asynchronously requested services
dispatching 3-21,3-24 GIVE/TAKE task-to-task communication
posting a synch lock 3-23
synchronization locks 3-22
synchronizing 3-21
wait/post routines 3-22
virtual lIachine
configuration 3-3
locations and links 3-5 nonprogra.mable relote stations 3-5 programmable remote stations 3-5
remote stations 3-5 RSCS commands 3-5 RSCS tasks
function S comaunicate with spool file 3-13
create system 3-11
handle program checks 3-12
line driver 3-11
manage telecommunication line
allocation 3-11,3-13
process commands 3-12
process aessages 3-12
terminate system 3-12 SML line driver program 3-14
buffer blocking and deblocking 3-17
function selector 3-16 I/O handler 3-16
processors 3-15 SMt line driver task, program organization
storage, RSCS, requirements 3-20 supervisor, RSCS 3-8
3-78 IBM VM/370: System Logic and Problem Determination--Volu.e 3
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