UMACELOK: user Machine Block. .111 VIRTUAL I/O CONTROL BLOCKS. .113 Virtual Channel Blocks. .113 Virtual Control Unit Blocks •••••• 113 Virtual Device Blocks. •••• 113 VCHBLOK: Virtual Channel Block.114 VCONCTL: Virtual Console Control Block .115 VCUBLOK: virtual Control unit Block ••• 116 VDEVBLOK: Virtual Device Block •.•••• 117 VFCBELOK: virtual Forms Control Buffer
Elock ••••••••••••••••• 120 VMABLOK: Shared Systems Control Addition to VMBLOK •••• ' ••••••• 120 VMBLOK: Virtual Machine Control Block •• 121 VMCBLOK: Virtual Machine Communication
Block. _ .128 VMCMHDR: VMCF Message Header ••• _ •• 129 VMCPARM: VMCF Parameter List ••• _ •• 130 VRRBLOK: Virtual ReservejRelease Block .131 VSPLCTL: Virtual Spooling Control Block.132 VSPXELOK: virtual Spool Extension Block.133 IINTELOK: External Interrupt Block ••• 134 IOBR3211: Extended Outboard Recording
Block. •••••••••••• 135 SECTION 2. CMS DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS. .• ••••••••• , ••• 137
AETAB: Abend Termination option Table •• 138 AEWSECT: Abend Recovery Workspace. ..139 AtTSECT: Active Disk Table _ •••••• 140 AFTSECT: Active File Table ••••.• 143 ANCHSECT: Anchor Table •••••• _ •• 145 EATLSECT: CMS Batch USEr Job L i-a its .... ,,146 EEOI: Boundary Box ••••••••••• 146 EGCOM: DOS/VS Partition Communication Region ••••••••••••••••• 147 CMSTAXE: Terminal Attention Exit
Element •••••••• _ ••••••• 149 CVTSECT: Communication Vector Table as
supported by CMS •••••••••••• 150 DEGSECT: Debug Work Area. ' ••••••• 152 DEVSECT: Device Table DSECT ••••••.• 156 DFVTAE: Device Table •••••••••• 157 DIOSECT: Disk I/O Work Area ••••••• 160 DMSCCB: Command Control Block. .162 tOSSECT: DOS Simulation Control Block •• 164 EDCB: Edit Control Block •••••••• 166 ERDSECT: Error Handling Routine DSECT •.• 174 EXTSECT: External Interrupt Work Area •• 177 EXTUAREA: External User Area •••••• 179 FCBSECT: Simulated OS Control Blocks •• 180 FCBTAB: Fetch Table. .184 FICL: First In Class Block ••••••• 185 FRDSECT: Free Chain Element Header
Elocks. FSCBD: File System Control Block FSTD: File Status Table Entry DSECT •• FSTSECT: File Status Table •••••• FVSECT: Fixed Variable Storage Work .• 186
.189 190 Area for CMS File System •••••••• 191 IHADECB: Data Event Control Block •••• 195 IOSECT: I/O Interrupt Save Area ••••• 196 KEYSECT: Disk Key Table DSECT for BDAM Simulation ••••••••••••••• 197
LtRST: Loader Storage Area ••••••• 198 LUETAB and LUEPR: Logical Unit Block
Table •••• 202 NICL: Number in Class. .204 NUCON: Nucleus Constant Area .205 OFSECT: Major CSECT for all I/O Operation Lists •••••••••••• 219 OSFST: OS File Sta tus Tatle. .222 OVSECT: Describes the First Few
Lccations of DMSOVS •••••••••• 224 PCTAB: Progra II Check Option Tabl e. .224 PDSSECT: Directory Table for EPAM Simulation. .225 FGMSECT: Program Interrupt Work Area •• 226 PIBADR: Program Information Block •••• 227 PIB2TAB: Program Information Block
Extension ••••••••••••••• 228 PUBADR: Physical Unit Block Table •••• 229 PUBOWNER: Physical Unit Elock Ownership Table. •• •• 230 SSAVE: System Save Area. .231 SUBSECT: Subset Work Are a. .233 SVCSECT: SVC Interrupt Storage .••••• 234 SVEARA: LTA and PP Save Area DSECT ••• 238 SYSC08: System Communication Region ••• 239 SYSNA8ES: Saved Systems Names. .242 TSCBLKS: TSO Control Blocks. .243 USAVE: User Save Area. ••• 245 USERSECT: User Work Area .245 SECTION 3. RSCS DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS. •• •• •••• 247 ASINE: Asynchronous Exit Element •••• 248 BUFDSECT: SML Telecommunications Buffer.249 COMDSECT: Address Constants as Pointers.250 DEVTABLE: NPT Device Table ••••••• 251 FR-EE-E·:-·A Free·Blelle-at on the Supervisor- Element Cueue .252 GIVE Request Table .253 GIVEE: A GIVE Element. .253 IOE: An I/O Element. .254 IOTABLE: An I/O Table. .255
LINKTABL: Link Table .256
RE CBLOCK: NPT Request Block. .258 ROUTE: Routing Table Entry. .259 SVECTORS: Low Storage Definitions. .260 TAG: RSCS File Descriptor. .263
TAGAREA. •• .265
TAKE Request Table .265 TANKDSEC: S8L Unit Record Tank .266
TAEEA: A Task Save Area. .267 TASKE: A Task Element. .269 TCTDSECT: Task Control Tatle .270 AFPENDIXES ••••••••••••••• 273 AFFENDIX A. CP and RSCS EQUATE SY8BOLS .275 VM/370 Device Classes, Types, 8odels, and Featurese e e ••••••••••• 276 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- Machine Usage .278 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- Extended Centrel Registers ••••••••••• 279 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- CP usage •••• 280 VM/370 Registers .283 AFPENDIX E. RSCS CONTROL AREAS AIS Moniter Control Area REX Monitor Control Area •• SML Moniter Centrol Area .285 ••• 286 ••• 287 .288
vi IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic
AFPENtIX C. RSCS REQUEST ELEMENTS. Command ALERT Element Format A1. Cper ational Notes. Command ALERT Element Format A2 •• Operational Notes ••••• Command ALERT Element Format LO •• Operational Notes ••••• Command ALERT Element Format L1 •• Operational Notes ••••• Command ALERT Element Format L2.
Operational Notes ••••• Command ALERT Element Format L3 (also Message Alert Element).
Operational Notes ••• Command Request Element. 291 292
.292 293 293
.298 e e 299
.299 Operational Notes •• File Request Element Operational Notes •• Line Alert Element Operational Notes •• •••• 300 .300 •••• 302 •••• 302 MeEsage Bequest Element CFeratienal Notes •••••••• Pert Table CFeraticnal Notes ••• Terminate Request Element CFeratienal Notes. .303 •• 303 •• 304 •• 304 .305 .305 APFENDIX D. CMS EQUATE SYMEOLS ••••• 307 CMS Usage Equates. .308 CMS Register Equates. •••••• 309 AFFENDIX E. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLeCK REFERENCES. .311 Cf Control Bleck References. .312 CMS Contrel Elock References •• 321 RSCS Control Elock References. •• 326 Contents vii
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