Dec. Hex 192 CO 193 Cl 194 C2 195 C3 196 C4
197 C5 198 C6 199 C7 200 C8 201 C9 202 CA 203 CB 204 CC 205 CO 206 CE 207 CF 208 DO
209 01 210 02 211 03 212 D4
213 05 214 D6
215 07 216 08 217 09 218 DA
219 DB
220 DC 221 I DO 222 DE
223 OF 224 [0 225 El
226 E2
227 E3
228 E4
229 E5 230 E6
231 E7
232 E8
233 E9
234 EA
235 EB
236 EC 237 ED
238 EE
239 EF
240 FO 241 Fl
242 F2
243 F3
244 F4
245 F5
246 F6
247 F7
248 F8
249 F9
250 FA
251 FB
252 FC 253 FO 254 FE
255 FF Instruction Graph ics and Controls 7-Track Tape Card Code (SSI BCOIC EBCOIClll ASCII BCOIC(21 EBCDIC ? { BA8 2 12-{) A A A BA 1 12-1
B B B BA 2 12-2 C C C BA 21 12-3 0 0 0 BA 4 12-4
E E E BA 4 1 12-5
F F F BA 42 12-6
G G G B A 421 12-7
H H H BA8 12-8 I I I BA8 1 12-9
12-{)-3-8-9 .r 12-{)-4-8-9
y 12-{)-6-8-9
! } B 8 2 11-0 MVN J J J B 1 ll-1 MVC K K K B 2 ll-2 MVZ L L L B 21 lI-3 NC M M M B 4 11-4 CLC N N N B 4 1 11-5 OC 0 0 0 B 42 11-6 XC P P P B 421 11-7
Q Q Q B 8 11-8
R R R B 8 1 11-9
TR 12-ll-4-8-9
TRT 12-lI-5-8-9
ED 12-11-6-8-9
EDMK 12-11-7-8-9 * '\ A8 2 0-2-8 lI-{)-I-9 S S S A 2 0-2 T T T A 21 0-3 U U U A 4 0-4 V V V A 4 I 0-5 W W W A 42 0-6 X X X A 421 0-7 y y y A8 0-8 Z Z Z A8 1 0-9 lI-{)-2-8-9 ll-o-3-8-9 rI 11-0-4-8-9 1I-{)-5-8-9 lI-o-6-8-9 lI-{)-7-8-9 SRP 0 0 0 8 2 0 MVO I I 1 I 1 PACK 2 2 2 2 2 UNPK 3 3 3 21 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 4 I 5
6 6 6 42 6
7 7 7 421 7
ZAP 8 8 8 8 8 CP 9 9 9 8 I 9 AP I 12-11-0-2-8-9 SP 12-1 I-{)-3-8-9 MP 12-1I-{)-4-8-9 DP 12-1 I-{)-5-8-9 12-1 I-{)-6-8-9 EO 12-1I-{)-1-8-9 ANSI-DEFINED PRINTER CONTROL CHARACTERS
(A in RECFM field of DCS) Code Action before printing record
blank Space 1 line o Space 2 lines Space 3 lines + Suppress space
1 Skip to line 1 on new page
Binary 1100 0000 lIOO 0001 lIOO 0010 1100 0011 llOO 0100 lIOO 0101 1100 0110 lIOO OIll 1100 1000 11001001 1100 1010 noo 1011 noo 1100 1100 lIOI lIOO mo 1100 Illl llOI0000 11010001 llOIOOIO llOIOOIl 11010100 lIOI0101 lIOI0110 1101011I 11011000 lIOl1001 1l011OI0 11011011 llOlll00 lIOIllOI lIOIlllO 11011111 11100000 mOOOOl IllO 0010 mo OOll IllO 0100 mo 0101 IllO OlIO IllOOIll lllO 1000 IllO 1001 1Il0 1010 IlIO lOll mo 1100 IIlO 1101 IllO 1Il0 mo 1111
III I 0000 IIIl 0001 III I 0010 1 III 001l l1ll 0100 IlIl 0101 llIl OllO lll101Il 1 III 1000 III I 1001 IlllI010 lIB IOU 11111100 llll110l llllIllO 1 III III 1
78 15
OF 31
s I Op Code I B2 I 02 J
o I 1516 1920 31 ; 1 2 :
i Op Code t§Jg/I3'r B1 I A 01 ADDRESS OF OPERAND 2 A. r B2 I 02 o 78 1112 1516 1920 3132 3536 I ADDRESS OF I OPERAND 2 Op Code 'I B2 02 78 1516 1920 3132 3536 CONTROL REGISTERS CR Bits Name of field Associated with 0 0 Block-multiplex'g clntrol Block-multiplex'g
1 SSM suppression control SSM instruction
2 TOO clock sync control Multiprocessing
8-9 Page size control
} Dynamic addr. transl. 10 Unassigned (must be zero)
11-12 Segment size control
16 Malfunction alert mask
} Multipm,,,,in, 17 Emergency signal mask
18 External call mask
19 TOO clock sync check mask 20 Clock comparator mask Clock comparator
21 CPU timer mask CPU timer
24 Interval timer mask Interval timer
25 Interrupt key mask Interrupt key
26 External signal mask External signal
1 0-7 Segment table length
} Dynamic addr. trans!.
8-25 Segment table address
2 0-31 Channel masks Channels
8 16-31 Monitor masks Monitoring
9 0 Su",,,,'ul "'.n,hin, m"k I 1 Instruction fetching event mask
2 Storage alteration event mask Program-event record'g
3 GR alteration event mask
16-31 PER general register masks 10 8-31 PER starting address Program-event record'g
11 8-31 PER ending address Program-event record'g
14 0 Check-stop control
} Machine-check handling
1 Synch. MCEL control
2 I/O extended logout control I/O extended logout
4 Recovery report mask
} "'''''n",heok h.ndlin, 5 Degradation report mask
6 Ext. damage report mask
7 Warning mask
8 Asynch. MCEL control
9 Asynch. fixed log control
15 8-28 MCEL address Machine-check handling 47 I I 47 Init. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 512
PROGRAM STATUS WORD (BC Mode) Interruption code
2324 31 I nstruction address
32 34 36 3940 47 1 48 ssIS6 63 0-5 Channel 0 to 5 masks
6 Mask for channel 6 and up
7 (E) External mask
12 (C=O) Basic control mode 131M) Machine-check mask
14 (W=1) Wait state
15 (P=ll Problem state
32-33 (I LC) I nstruction length code
34-35 (CC) Condition code
36 Fixed-point overflow mask
37 Decimal overflow mask
38 Exponent underflow mask
39 Significance mask
PROGRAM STATUS WORD (EC Mode) OROO OTIE 0000 0000 o 31 0000 0000 I I nstruction address
32 3940 47
1 48 ssls6 63
1 (R) Program event recording mask 15 (P=1) Problem state
5 (T=1) Translation mode 18-19 (CC) Condition code
6 (I) Input/output mask 20 Fixed-point overflow mask
7 (E) External mask 21 Decimal overflow mask
12 (C=1) Extended control mode 22 Exponent underflow mask
13 (M) Machine-check mask 23 Significance mask
14 (W=l) Wait state
CHANNEL COMMAND WORD I Command code I Data address CD-bit 32 (80) causes use of address portion of next CCW. CC-bit 33 (40) causes use of command code and data address of next CCW. SLI-bit 34 (20) causes suppression of possible incorrect length indication.
Skip-bit 35 (10) suppresses transfer of information to main storage. PCI-bit 36 (08) causes a channel program controlled interruption. IDA-bit 37 (04) causes bits 8-31 of CCW to specify location of first IDAW. CHANNEL STATUS WORD (hex 40) 31
63 l Key 1s116 ccwaddress23124 J I Unit status I Channel status I Byte count I 32 3940 4748 SsIS6 63
5 Logout pending 40 (80) Program-controlled interruption
6-7 Deferred condition code 41 (40) Incorrect length
32 (80) Attention 42 (20) Program check
33 (40) Status modifier 43 (10) Protection check
34 (20) Control unit end 44 (08) Channel data check
35 (10) Busy 45 (04) Channel control check
36 (OS) Channel end 46 (02) Interface control check
37 (04) Device end 47 (01) Chaining check
38 (02) Unit check 48-63 Residual byte count for the
39 (01) Unit exception last CCW used
PROGRAM INTERRUPTION CODES 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 oooA
Operation exception
Privileged operation excp
Execute exception
Protection exception
Addressing exception
Specification exception
Data exception
Fixed-point overflow excp
Fixed-point divide excp
Decimal overflow exception
Decimal divide exception ooOC 0000 OOOE ooOF 0010 0011 0012 0013 0040 0080 Exponent overflow excp
Exponent underflow excp
Significance exception
Floating-point divide excp
Segment translation excp
Page translation exception
Translation specification excp
Special operation exception
Monitor event
Program event (code may be
combined with another code)
dec. addr only Function 0- 7 0 8- 15 8 16- 23 10 24· 31 18
32· 39 20 40- 47 28
48· 55 30 56- 63 38 64- 71 40 72· 75 48 80- 83 50 88· 95 58 96-103 60
104·111 68
112·119 70 120-127 78
132·133 84
132·133 84
134·135 86 136-139 88 140-143 8C
144·147 90 148·149 94 150·151 96
152·155 98
156·159 9C
168·171 A8
172·175 AC 176-179 BO 185·187 B9 216-223 08
224·231 EO 232·239 E8
248·251 F8
252·255 FC
256·351 100 352·383 160 384·447 180 448·511 1CO 512
t 200 Initial program loading PSW, restart new PSW Initial program loading CCW1, restart old PSW Initial program loading CCW2
External old PSW Supervisor Call old PSW Program old PSW Machine·check old PSW Input/output old PSW Channel status word (see diagram)
Channel address word [0·3 key, 4·7 zeros, 8·31 CCWaddress] Interval timer
External new PSW Supervisor Call new PSW Program new PSW Machine-check new PSW Input/output new PSW CPU address assoc'd with external interruption, or unchanged
X CPU address assoc'd with external interruption, or zeros
X External interruption code
X SVC interruption [0·12 zeros, 13-14 I LC, 15:0, 16-31 code]
X Program interrupt. [0-12 zeros, 13-14 ILC, 15:0, 16·31 code]
X Translation exception address [0·7 zeros, 8·31 address]
Monitor class [0·7 zeros, 8-15 class number]
X PER interruption code [0-3 code, 4-15 zeros]
X PER address [0-7 zeros, 8-31 address]
Monitor code [0-7 zeros, 8·31 monitor code]
Channel 10 [0·3 type, 4·15 model, 16-31 max.IOELlength] I/O extended logout address [0·7 unused, 8·31 address}
Limited channel logout (see diagram)
X I/O address [0·7 zeros, 8·23 address} CPU timer save area
Clock comparator save area
Machine·check interruption code (see diagram)
Failing processor storage address [0·7 zeros, 8·31 address}
Region code*
Fixed logout area*
Floating-point register save area
General register save area
Control register save area CPU extended logout area (size varies)
*May vary among models; see system library manuals for specific model. tLocation may be changed by programming (bits 8·28 of CR 15 specify address). LIMITED CHANNEL LOGOUT (hex 80) Field validity flags
5 Channel
6 Main storage control
7 Main storage
8 CPU 9 Channel 10 Main storage control
11 Main storage
12 Control unit
16 I nterface address
17·18 Reserved (00) 19 Sequence code 20 Unit status
21 Cmd. addr. and key
22 Channel address
23 Device address
23 24 26 28 29 31
24·25 Type of termination 00 Interface disconnect 01 Stop, stack or normal 10 Selective reset
11 System reset
28(A) I/O error alert
29-31 Sequence code
o 1314 16
Validity 31
MCEL length 55156 24 Failing stg. address
25 Region code
27 Floating-pt registers
28 General registers
29 Control registers 30 CPU ext'd logout
31 Storage logical
46 CPU timer
47 Clock comparator
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