Page Revised January 1983 June 1976
The function PUTOB places literal atoms on the OBJECT LIST. If
PUTOB finds an atom on the OBJECT LIST with the same PNAME as one
of its arguments, an error will be generated.
The Parameter List __________________
LISP, like many other MTS programs, accepts various control parame-
ters via the PAR field of the $RUN command. The keyword parameters may
appear in any order, and there may be any number of keywords given. The
keyword parameters recognized by LISP, and their significance, are
described below.
FCS=N N specifies the number of pages of initial free-
space. If space is needed beyond this amount, a
garbage collection will be performed. The default
value is 25 pages. Increasing the value of this
parameter to the maximum space needed will eliminate
the necessity for garbage collection.
GC#=N After a garbage collection, the system will get more
space unless N LISP cells are available. Setting N
to a large number will tend to increase the amount
of memory used by the system and decrease the
frequency of garbage collections. The default value
is 4000.
ERR=N N indicates the initial status of interrupt traps
(see status code 34). The default value is 0 (all
traps on).
OBJ=N N indicates the number of hash buckets for the
literal atom OBJECT LIST. The greater the number of
buckets, the faster resolution of atomic references
should be. An odd number is recommended. The
default value is 69.
INT=N1[,N2] If the form INT=N1 is specified, all integer atoms
from 0 to N1 will be stored in an internal array
where they can be accessed quickly. Alternatively,
if the form INT=N1,N2 is specified, all integer
atoms from N1 to N2 will be stored in an internal
array where they can be accessed quickly.
The user can access the INT array by calling STATUS.
The INT array can also be changed by creating a new
array containing any set of consecutive integer
atoms, and calling STATUS with that array as an

June 1976 Page Revised February 1979
The TIMER Function: (TIMER ID SW) __________________________________
The TIMER function allows the user to set up his own interrupts after
a specified amount of either CPU or real time has elapsed. The ID
argument allows different timer interrupts to be distinguished. ID may
be any LISP structure.
The significance of the SW argument is as follows:
SW ID Meaning __ __ _______
0 N 1001 Any non-NIL structure Set up an interrupt structure
identified by ID, to generate a
timer interrupt error in N sec-
onds of real time. When the
TIMER error occurs, the error
form which will be printed is ID.
The value returned from TIMER is
1000 N Any non-NIL structure Set up an interrupt structure
identified by ID, to generate a
timer interrupt error in N micro-
seconds of CPU time. When the
TIMER error occurs, the error
form which will be printed is ID.
The value returned from TIMER is
T Any non-NIL structure If there is an outstanding struc-
ture TIMER request with an ID
which is EQ to ID, then TIMER
returns the clock time remaining
in that request. Otherwise TIMER
returns NIL.
NIL NIL Cancel all outstanding TIMER
The value of TIMER is NIL.
NIL Any non-NIL structure Cancels the pending structure
interrupt request, if any, asso-
ciated with ID.
The value of TIMER is the remain-
ing clock time in that request.
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