of GC20-1821-3 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNt GN25-0840 C
channel programs, 1SAM, option for
executing under VM/370 7
dedicated, specifying for virtual
machin e 17
model dependencies, effect on channel
error recovery procedures 13-14
overlapping SIO requests on, using BMX option 6.1
channel-to-channel adapter CTCA) CMS (conversational monitor system)
alternating technique
for DOS/VS 94-100 with OS/VS in same virtual machine
loading for use with DOS/VS 94 VM/370 component
description of 3
description of (brief) 2 CMS editor, advantages when generating
operating systems under VM/370 38 CMS/DOS, linkage editor, program execution
under CMS/DOS 73
common area, calculating for OS/VS2 virtual
machines (2148-XEj) 34.4-34.5
communicating between virtual machines, using VMCF 7
communication lines, by using SPECIAL control statement 45
communications system, testing, using virtual machines 29
configuration virtual machine) CONSOLE control statement
defining VM/370 virtual machine 51
specifying secondary console 14
defining operator's console
virtual VM/370 system 52
console, defining for VM/370 virtual
machine 52
consoles (§gg multiple consoles)
control program CP) CP (contI:' 01 proqram) VM/370 component, brief description of
CP commands
from DOS/VS virtual machine 91-92
from as/vs virtual machine 131-132
CP disks, formatting and allocating space,
for VM/370 virtual machine 53-54 CP function, for OS/VS virtual machine, how
to use 132 CPU processor)
CTCA (channel-to-channel adapter)
defining, by usinq SPECIAL control
sta t ement 45
real, connecting real and virtual ASP system!=: 32-33
virtual, specifyinq for ASP virtual
machines 31
D DASD for virtual machine
dedicating to 17
defining for 17
sharing data between users 17 VM/370 reserve/release support for 20-23 DASD dump restore program data transfer, between virtual machines,
using VMCF 7
DDR (DASD dump restore) VM/370 utility program, description of
debugging, printing dumps for operating
systems under VM/370 5
DEDICATE control statement
assigning CTCA to ASP virtual machine
defining devices with special I/O protocol (caution) 46
defining virtual addresses on real TCU 30 specifying a device as primary
console 15
unique considerations, for virtual
machine operating systems 43-45
channels, specifying for virtual machine
17 DASD, real VM/370 reserve/release
support for 20 devices
alternative to dedicated channels 17
summary of VM/370 reserve/release
effect on 22-23
to use unsupported devices 4
using DEDICATE control statement
volumes, VM/370 release/release support
for (specification example) 22
dedicated processor, for MVS V=R virtual
machine 138-138.2
to OS/VS virtual machine
devices 127-128
operator's console 127
virtual console
for second level VM/370 system 52
virtual devices, using VM/370 directory
control statements 46
virtual lines, to multiple-access
virtual machine 26-28 DIAGNOSE instruction codes
summary of 10-11 x'10', invalidating entries below
high-water mark 34.3 X'28', notifying VM/370 of BTAM autopoll
channel programs 8
x'68', using VMCF 7 140 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtl1al Machine
Page of GC20-1821-3 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0840 diagnose interface, for communication
between operatinq systems and VM/370 10 dial-up terminals terminals)
DIRECT program creating directory entries, for VM/370 virtual machine 54 usinq for .VM/370 virtual machine,
example 58
directory entry (se§ virtual machine)
disconnected operation
for DOS/VS virtual machine 102-104 for OS/VS virtual machine 135-137
for OS/VS virtual machine (5748-XE1) 136.3-137
disk space, temporary, obtaining for
virtual machines 17-18
display-operator-console mode DOC) distribution library
for DOS/VS generation under VM/370 76-77
for OS/VS system generation under VM/370 119-120 DMKRIO module, defining, for VM/370 virtual
machine 53 DMKSYS module, defining, for VM/370 virtual
machine 53 DOC (display-opera tor-console}
mode, specifying local 3270 as primary
console 15 DOS DOS/VS) files, using T-disk space for 18 ISAM, usinq under VM/370 41 virtual machine, directory entry example
82 DOS Release 27, in V=F virtual machine,
modifying supervisor to run 74 DOS/VS virtual machine; VM/370) accountinq, elapsed processor time under VM/370 Advanced Functions Program Product incorporating VM/370 linkage
enhancements 9,70 application programs, designing to run
efficiently under VM/370 4
BTAM autopoll channel programs,
bypassinq and checkinq for under VM/370 8
double spoolinq under VM/370, eliminating by specifying DEDICATE
control 44 enterinq statements, with logical line
end character 69
handshaking, use of autopoll required 8 ISAM, using under VM/370 41 linkaqe editor, program execution under CMS/DOS 73
printing abend dumps under VM/370 5
assembling and loading under VM/370 78-80 generating to run under VM/370 71
relocating page zero to run under V!1"j37 0 42 system generation under VM/370 adding IOCS modules 80-81 assembling and loading a supervisor 18-80 building (creating) eMS job stream
files for 75-76
copying distribution system to disk
76-77 DOS/VS recommendations 71-73
handshaking support 70 recommendations 69-74
sample virtual machine for generatinq
using an interim system 17-18 VM/370 recommendations 70 virtual machine 69-105 accessing CMS from more than one
virtual machine 101 accessing system residence volume
82-84 CMS/DOS environment for (description) 104-105 communicating with CP 91-92
defining operator's console 85
description (introductory) 69
developing and testing programs for
use under 104-105 directory entry example 82
disconnecting 101 how to run more than one 100 interrupting execution of 92 1PL from a card reader 89-90 IPL from a console 86-89
operating under VM/370 90-93 preparing job streams for 85-86
running in batch mode 93
sharing system residence volume with
ot her users 83
starting a job stream 91
technique for alternating between CMS and DOS/VS 94-100 using unique standard label cylinders
to access system residence volume
using virtual unit record devices 84 DOS/VSE system generation under VM/370, handshaking support 70 dump, printing virtual machine abends 5
dump processinq
for V=R users using shadow table bypass
function, page zero table entry changed (5748-XE1) 34. 1
for VM/370 virtual machine 54 example 66-68
system operator procedures when usinq
dedicated processor 138.2
dynamic SCP transitions
operating procedures 135- 136.1
restrictions 135
system operator procedures 136-136.1
Index 141
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