The format of the Class A, B, C, D, E, and F QUERY command is: Query LOGMSG HAMES USERS userid
, f

} I Names I 'Users [userid] I userid I I displays the system log messages of the day. displays a list of all the users logged on and the real
address of the line to which each is connected. If the user
is disconnected, DSC is displayed instead of the line address.
displays the number of logged-on users and the number of users
dialed to other virtual machines. If userid is specified, the
userid and device address of the user's terminal are displayed
if he is logged on. If the specified user is not logged on, a message to that effect occurs. Use the USERS operand if the
userid is the same as an operand (or its minimum truncation)
of the QUERY co.mand. Bote: It IndIcated logged on
users in
for this
is possible for the number of users logged on as by the BABES operand to differ from the number as indicated by the USERS operand. The number of
the process of logging on and logging off accounts
difference. displays the userid and the device address of the user's
terainal if he is logged on. If the user is not logged on, a
aessage to this effect occurs.
* logmsg text line 1 * logmsg text line n logmsg additional text lines
All lines (both those with and without an asterisk) in the log message file are 13q VM/370 Operator's Guide
userid - j DSC l, 1. raddr f .
- {DSC }'
Lists all logged-on users. If the user is currently connected,
the real address to which he is connected is displayed (raddr).
If he is not connected to the system, DSC is displayed.
nnn USERS, a •• DIlLED
nnn is the total number of logged on users. amm is the total nu:bsr of users logically attached via the DIlL coamand to virtual aachines. lote: The term DIlLED aeans that the line is not available to CP because It-rs logically attached to a logged-on user and is a part of that
user's virtual aachine operation.
userid -raddr
displays the real address (raddr) to which the specified user is
connected. Section 3. CP Commands 135
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