SPACE Use the SPACE command to force the output on the specified printer to be
single spaced for the current active spool file, regardless of the
carriage control com.ands contained in the actual file. The format of
the SPACE command is: SPAce raddr
is the real address (cuu) of the printer whose output is to be
single spaced. Section 3. CP Co •• ands 145
START Use the ST·ART co •• and to restart a spooling device after it has been
drained, or to change the output class that it may service. If the
device is busy when the cOII.and is given, the changed classes take
effect after the current file is complete. The forllat of the STIRT co.mand is: STArt PRINTER PRT PUNCH PCB R!ADER RDR
raddr CLASS c ••• JOSEP r , I Printer , I PUnch I , Reader r , , I raddr [CLass c ••• ] [NOsep] IFLash naae I I I ,CHars nalle I I I IFCB nalle , , , IIlIage nalledsysl I I IPUrge I I I L .J , I 111 I L .J
starts or changes the status of the printer.
starts or changes the status of the punch.
starts or changes the status of the reader.
is the address (cuu) of a particular spooling device which is
to be started. More than one device lIay be specifies the output classes the specified device is allowed
to service. Froll one-to-four classes (single characters with
no interrvening blanks) 8ay be specified. If aultiple classes
are specified for a device, output files receive service by
the device in the order that the classes were specified. For exallple, if the option: CLASS ADl is specified for a printer, all class A files are spooled
before class D files, and all class D before class 1.
Note: a class of * can bs spscifisd for printers or that any spool file class can be serviced by the
output. punches so device for
specifies that no file separator is desired for the output
files. If not specified, a separator is produced. If JOSEP is specified for the punch, separator cards are not punched;
instead, the operator receives the message: PUN raddr START FOR OUTPUT 146 YM/370 Operator's Guide
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