!gte: The only default values permitted are
starting and ending cylinders. The defaults
cylinders of the volume, respectively.
those that define the
are the first and last
Comments must be preceded by at least three blanks.
The control card entries for the Format/Allocate program must be in
the following order: Format function:
FORMAT,devadr,devtype,volser,startcyladr,endcyladr Allocate function:
END Label functions: ,FORMAT, devadr,devtype, vOlser,LABEL FORBAT, ALLOCATE, and LABEL are Format/Allocate program control words
and may be abbreviated to one letter.
The format of the FORMAT control statement is:
devadr is a three-digit hexadecimal number that identifies the
address of the device that the Format/Allocate program is
to act upon. Valid device addresses under CBS are X'OOl' to X'5FF' for ECMODE OFF and X'OOl' to X'FFF' for HCftODE ON. devtype is a four-to-seven character field that defines an approved
device for the Format/Allocate program. Approved device
types are 2314, 2319, 3330, 3330-11, 3340-35, 3340-70, 3350, 2305-1, and 2305-2., Specify .3333 as 3330, and 3340-70F or 3344 as 3340-70. Specify a 3350 device in
3330-1 compatibility mode as a 3330, and a 3350 in 3330-11 compatibility mode as a 3330-11.
volser is a one-to-six character field that represents the volume serial number of the volume you are formatting. startcyladr is the starting cylinder address on the DISD on which the format function is to be performed. The start cylinder
address is entered as decimal digits.
endcyladr is the last cylinder address on the DASD for.at function is to be The
address is entered as decimal digits.
on which the
end cylinder
Section 4. Vft/310 Service Programs 175
!gte: FORMAT is a control word and maybe abbreviated to F.
The formats of the ALLOCATE control statements are:
DRCT,startcyladr,endcyladr ERD devadr is a three-digit hexadecimal number that identifies the
address of the device that the Format/Allocate program is
to act upon. Valid device addresses under CMS are 1'001' to 1'5FF' for ECMODE OFF and X'OOl' to I'FFF' for ECMODE OR. devtype is a four-or-seven character field that defines an approved
device for the Format/Allocate program. Approved device
types ·are 2314, 2319, 3330, 3330-11, 3340-35, 3340-70, 3350, 2305-1, and 2305-2. Specify a 3350 device in 3330-1 compatibility mode as a 3330 and a 3350 in 3330-11 compatibility mode as a 3330-11. Specify a 3333 as a 3330, and 3340-70F or 3344 as 3340-70. volser is a one-to-six character field that represents the volume serial number of the volume you are formatting. startcyladr is the starting cylinder address on the DASD on which the
for.at function is to be performed. The start cylinder
address is entered as decimal digits.
is the last cylinder address on the DASD format function is to be performed. The
address is entered as decimal digits.
on which the
end cylinder
indicates that the following operands identify temporary
storage space reserved for spooling or paging activity.
defines an area that can contain the logout area, the CP nucleus, and space that is not used by the system but is
available for use by virtual machine users (for example, for user minidisks).
defines the pooled space available fer virtual machine users after they have logged on the VM/370 system.
indicates that the following cylinders are reserved for
directory files. ALLOCATE is a control word and may be abbreviated to its first
letter, 1. 176 VM/370 Operator's Guide
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