Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 System Termination
The VK/370 system be shut down in one of two ways:
1. By an operator initiated shutdown.
2. By an abnormal termination of operation.
The normal shutdown is initiated by a class 1 operator entering the
command "shu tdown" from the operator's console. If the SHUTDOWN command is ineffective,
press the LOAD button on the system console once to shut down the system
(a second pressing of the load button reloads The shutdown operation and accounting functions;
in user is terminated by automatically logging off
all virtual aachines and communication lines. Open and active
files on the spool unit record devices are purged and, if applicable the SUSPEN'D order is issued to all 3851 device addresses (suspends Kes interface activity to the host virtual Note that the SUSPEND order issued to a Kass Storage Control interface may cause the SHUTDOWN co.mand to run longer than usual. !Qte: Before issuing the SHUTDOWN command, a message or warning should
be sent to all logged-on users so that they can quickly bring their
virtual machines t.o an orderly halt. Time should also be allotted to
the class D (spooling) operator so that he too can terminate in an
orderly manner the active files being processed on the unit record
The dump unit for V8/310 system failures is specified in the SYSDUKP macro during V8/370 system generation, but can be changed by a privilege
class A or class B system operator.
If the dump unit is set to disk (b' default or via the SET DU8P AUTO command) at the time of system failure, the, system dumps all or parts of
real storage to the specified disk and automatically restarts the V8/370 system. When automatically restarted, the system preserves all accounting
information and spool file data on disk, performs an automatic logon of
the primary system operator, restores the system LOGMSG, and continues
system operation. It is not necessary to re-enable the lines, since dump and re-IPL automatically re-enable them. The V8/370 online message is sent to the terminal users, indicating that they must log on again. If, at the time of the system failure, the dump unit is set to a
printer or tape, the V8/370 system writes the dump on the specified
unit, preserves the spooling and accounting data, and stops. The
operator must then re-IPL the V8/370 system as for normal system start
up, specifying a WARM START to preserve the accounting and spooling file data. The operator must re-enahle the communication lines to permit
users to log on again.
Note: An abnormal termination of an attached processor configuration is by the same conditions that cause abnormal termination of a
uniprocessor configuration (uncorrectable hardware error, program check
during the execution of CP, CP issues abnormal termination request
because of logical processing errors, or the primary system operator
initiates a SYSTEK RESTART). Section 2. Initiating V8/370 Operation 35
Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 SYSTEM ABEND Conditions can occur the CP program that may force an abnormal
ending condition (ABEND) and cause the dumping of system registers and
storaqe. The device that receives these records can be a tape, printer,
or disk device.
A system restart dump is taken when the system operator presses the SYSTEM RESTART button on the processor console or initiates system
restart in some other manner as dictated by the processor device type.
In an AP configuration, the attached processor should not be stopped
before the system restart is initiated.
Dumping operations are caused by any program interruptions or system
restart condition. These interruptions cause routines to gather data
from registers and storage and place this data on a previously defined
device. The system CP command SET DUMP defines the quantity of data to
be dumped.
For example: SET DUMP AUTO SET DUMP raddr SET DUMP raddr ALL SET DUMP AUTO ALL SET DUMP AUTO places the VM/370 system dump on a preselected file
device. (The disk dump area is antOlllatically selected at system
initialization time if sufficient contiguous space is available.) You can verify the device type and address by entering the QUERY DUMP command. Use SET DUMP raddr when the dump device is to be a high speed printer
or tape device. The real hexadecimal one to three digit device address
is substituted for the raddr operand.
The ALL operand used with SET DUMP AUTO or SET DUMP raddr dumps all
of storage onto to the DUMP device. If the ALL operand is not
specified, the system defaults to dumping only those areas that pertain
to CP, and not those areas that pertain to virtual machine operations.
If you dump to a disk file, an additional operation is necessary to
transform these records into readable output for programmers or system
analysts. You can do this with the CMS VMFDUMP program.
Note that expanded function is available to the VMFDUMP command as
generated for the IPCS virtual machine. For more information on this,
refer to the VM/370 Interactive Problem Control System If the records are dumped onto a tape drive, other CMS command
options must be invoked for printout. Only abend dumps that are a result of using the SET DUMP AUTO command
are spooled as a special virtual card reader file. This card reader
file is assigned during system generation to a specific virtual machine
user via the SYSOPR macro. The CMS VMFDUMP command formats and prints
these CP abend dumps.
36 VM/370 Operator's Guide
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