PRT} raddr BACKSPACE userid FILE = PUN file RECDS = norecs COpy = nn a typ
is the real device address.
is the identification of the user whose file was active and
file is the unique, systea-assigned spoolid nuaber by which V!/370 refers to the file.
is the total nuaber of logical records in the file.
is the rema1n1ng number of copies of the file to be created,
where 01 is the last copy.
a is the spool file class.
typ is the originating device type, PRT, CON, or PUI. Section 3. CP Commands 55
CHANGE Use the CHAIGE co •• and to alter one or aore of the external attributes
of a closed spool file or files. The current attributes of a file may be determined by issuing a QUERY cOllmand. In order to change an output
file, the file aust have been closed but not yet selected for printing
or An input (READER) file lIay be changed at any time before
it is opened, that is, before the first read is issued for the file.
The forllat of the CHAIGE cOllmand is:
CHange r , luseridl ISYSTE!t1 L .J
Reader CLass c2
CLass C1}
ALL PUnch CLass c2 COpy nn r , IHOld I II0Holdi L .J
Dlst distcode r , ISYS I IIOSYSI L .J
CLass c 1} CLass c 2
Printer spoolid copy [*] nn
ALL r , IHOld I II0Holdi L .J
Dlst distcode
, IFLash nalle nnl ICHars nalle I I!tOdify naae I IFCB nalle I L .J
[ IAlle{ fn[ ft ] } ]
[ {dsna.e}]
lane of these options IIUSt be chosen; however, lIore than one aay be
specified and they .ay be coabined in any order. userid SYSTEM is the user identification for the user whose spool files are
to be changed by the spooling operator. allows the spooling operator to manipulate all spool files in the systea regardless of userid.
56 V!t/370 Operator's Guide
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