DISABLE Use the DISABLE command to prevent low-speed communication lines,
including 2701, 2702, and 2703 lines (collectively referred to as 270x lines), 370x (ill E.ulation Progra* woae cnly), locally attached 3270 lines from accessing the VM/370 system. The remote 3270 configuration must be disabled by using the
DISABLE operand with the NETWORK command.
To disable 370x resources in RCP or PEP program mode, use the NETWORK DISABLE co.mand. If the line(s) selected are not active (not dialed
into or logged on), the line is disabled immediately. If the selected
line is active, it is disabled when the user does a LOGOFF to finish his
terminal session or issues a DISCONN command without the HOLD operand
specified. An ENABLE command issued to the line before the line is
physically disabled reinstates the enabled status, thus negating the
DISABLE command. The format of the DISABLE command is:
raddr ••• }
raddr... are the addressees) (cuu) of any communication lines the
operator wishes to disable.
ALL specifies that all 270x communication lines, 370x facilities
in Emulation Program mode only), and locally attached 3270 lines, including the operator's line, are to be disabled. Issuing a QUERY LINES and NETWORK QUERY command enables you to examine the status of the communication lines.
Line designations may indicate up to 2700 line addresses. These
three-digit hexadeciaal addresses are checked against the line addresses
stored in the system table. If no match is found, an error message is
directed to the system consele. COMMAND COMPLETE 68 VM/370 Operator's Guide
DMCP Use the DMCP com.and to print the contents of real storage locations on
the user's virtual spooled printer. The output format is eight words
per line with EBCDIC translation. Multiple storage locations and ranges aay be specified. In a system running with an attached processor,
values that are displacements from the assigned locaticns of the Prefix Storage Area (PS!) of the main or attached processor can also be dumped. To get the output printed on the real printer, the virtual spooled
printer must be terminated with a CLOSE command. The format of the DMCP command is: DMCP MLhexloc1 NLhexloc1
NThexloc1 Mhexloc1 Nhexloc1
r , r , 1 MLhexloc 11 1 1 NLhexloc 11 1 IMThexloc111 r , 1 NThexloc 111{-} 1 hexloc2 I 1 Mhexloc111 : I I I Nhexloc 11 1 L .J I Lhexloc 11 1 i Thexloc 1 i i I hexloc111 I Q II L .JI r , I { } Ibytecount 1 1 1 L L [*dumpid]
specifies the first storage location to be dumped. If hexloc1
is the only operand, it specifies the cnly storage location to
be dumped. If hexloc1 is not specified, L or T must be
specified and dumping starts with storage location O. An
EBCDIC translation is included with the dump contents. If
hexloc1 is followed by a period and is not on a full word
boundary, it is rounded down to the next lover fullword.
In attached processor systems, M specifies that addresses be
interpreted as if the main processor generated them. Thus, MO refers to location 0 of the PSA of the main processor. The N operand specifies that addresses be interpreted as if the
attached processor generated the.. The absence of M or N results in' the address being interpreted as an absolute
address. N is valid only if the attached processor is
operational. M is valid if the system has been generated for
an attached processor. The prefixes M or N are not meaningful
for a uniprocessor generated system. Section 3. CP Commands 69
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