As an additional aid when entering the commands and responses
necessary to IPL DOS/VS from the card reader, use the ceNT option of the SPOOL command. This option allows a user to spool the IPL commands and
jcb stream as a single spool file. For example: CP SPOOL PUNCH NOCONT CP CLOSE PUNCH PURGE CP CLOSE C CP PURGE READER ALL PUNCH SUPER JCL (NOH CP SPOOL 0 CONT PUNCH START JCL (NOH PUNCH DOSTEST JCL (NOH CP SPOOL 0 NOCONT CP IPL 250 When spooling the punch with the CONT operand, VM/370 spools the STABT JCL and DOSTEST JCL files as a single spool file. When the IPL commands
are read, DOS/VS continues reading from the card reader. A user does
not have to signal (with a null line) when DOS/VS is to begin reading
the job stream.
Continuous spooling bas an additional advantage in the IPL procedure. When issuing the IPL command, the virtual punch is closed. However, in
the previous example where the punch was spooled NOCONT, but not closed,
the IPL closes the punch. As the file is spooled to the reader, this
action causes a reader interruption, which is the first interruption
that a user has to enter (the one that causes DOS/VS to read the
supervisor name).
Thus, when executing this EXEC format, a user is required (after the IPL command is executed) to enter only one interruption and one REA£Y cOlmand to execute the entire job. The console sheet might look like
! !
display psw PSi = 030EOOOO 000128000 ready OOc begin
After issuing this BEGIN command, the remainder of the job is executed
without user intervention until the card reader is empty.
The eMS EXEC facility is described in detail in the Using More Than One Virtual Machine
In a DOS/VS virtual machine, if a user is running a job that may take a
1cng time to execute, he may want to free his terminal for other work.
In these situations, use the DISCONN command to disconnect the DeS/VS virtual machine and log onto some other userid.
This tOFic shows a sample procedure (using the userids CMSPREP1 and DOSTEST1), followed by a list of some additional things that must be
considered when disconnecting a terminal. While it is not necessary to use CMS to prepare or transmit the
jobs to the DOS/VS virtual machine, users may find it convenient. 100 IBM VM/310 operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
ACCESSING CMS To access eMS, a user must first have a userid. A user can log onto
that userid and load eMS as follows:
logon cmsprepl
ipl cms CMS VERSION 3.0 Assuming that the user has a read/write CMS A-disk, a user can create CMS files that contain the IPL control commands and responses, as well
as the job streams to in DOS/VS. Then, by using the SfCCt and PUNCH commands, place copies of these files in the card reader of the
machine that is going to run DOS/VS. For example: A user has two files named SUPER Jct and START Jet,
which contain the supervisor name and IPt commands for the 1ft procedure. In addition, the file DOSTEST JCt contains the job stream
that a user wants to execute. To spool these files to the userid DOSTEST1, enter:
cp specl punch to dostest1
punch super jcl (noheader
punch start jcl (noheader punch dostest jcl (noheader DISCONNECTING CMS When a user is ready to log onto the userid that is going to run DOS/VS, disconnect the CMS virtual machine as follows:
disconn hold
A user should use the HOLD operand of the DISCONN command when he uses a
dial-up terminal and does not want to lose the connection. Since the CMS machine is not currently active, there is no need to
disconnect it. While a user could just as easily log off,
disccnnecting and logging on again saves reloading or respooling
the punch, printer, and so on. LOGGING ONTO DOS/VS When logging cnto the virtual machine that is going to run DOS/VS, a
user sees, in addition to the normal log messages, a message indicating
that there are files in the card reader:
logon dostest1 FILES: 003 RDR, NO PRT, NO PUN LOGON AT 10:50:34 EST TUESDAY 02/28/76
If this virtual machine does not have the ECMODE option set on
(determined by issuing the QUERY SET command), issue the command SET ECMODE ON. Then, begin the IPL procedure as outlined under the topic "IPL from the Card Reader" (described previously in this section). Section 3. DOS/VS in a Virtual 101
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