ACCESSING CMS To access eMS, a user must first have a userid. A user can log onto
that userid and load eMS as follows:
logon cmsprepl
ipl cms CMS VERSION 3.0 Assuming that the user has a read/write CMS A-disk, a user can create CMS files that contain the IPL control commands and responses, as well
as the job streams to in DOS/VS. Then, by using the SfCCt and PUNCH commands, place copies of these files in the card reader of the
machine that is going to run DOS/VS. For example: A user has two files named SUPER Jct and START Jet,
which contain the supervisor name and IPt commands for the 1ft procedure. In addition, the file DOSTEST JCt contains the job stream
that a user wants to execute. To spool these files to the userid DOSTEST1, enter:
cp specl punch to dostest1
punch super jcl (noheader
punch start jcl (noheader punch dostest jcl (noheader DISCONNECTING CMS When a user is ready to log onto the userid that is going to run DOS/VS, disconnect the CMS virtual machine as follows:
disconn hold
A user should use the HOLD operand of the DISCONN command when he uses a
dial-up terminal and does not want to lose the connection. Since the CMS machine is not currently active, there is no need to
disconnect it. While a user could just as easily log off,
disccnnecting and logging on again saves reloading or respooling
the punch, printer, and so on. LOGGING ONTO DOS/VS When logging cnto the virtual machine that is going to run DOS/VS, a
user sees, in addition to the normal log messages, a message indicating
that there are files in the card reader:
logon dostest1 FILES: 003 RDR, NO PRT, NO PUN LOGON AT 10:50:34 EST TUESDAY 02/28/76
If this virtual machine does not have the ECMODE option set on
(determined by issuing the QUERY SET command), issue the command SET ECMODE ON. Then, begin the IPL procedure as outlined under the topic "IPL from the Card Reader" (described previously in this section). Section 3. DOS/VS in a Virtual 101
!Qte: If the ROE option is in effect for DOS/VS Release 34 (or earlier),
wait until after responding to the ROE messages before disconnecting
the DOS/iS virtual machine. Then, enter CP mode, using the attention
key, and enter the SET RUN ON and DISCONN commands:
! ! CP set run on
The DOS/VS virtual machine continues to run. RETURNING TO ces A user can now use the VM/370 logon procedures to reconnect to the virtual machine. During logon, this message appears instead of the normal LOGON message:
RECONNECT AT 11:05:02 EST TUESDAY 02/28/76 To return te the CMS environment and continue working, enter the BEGIN
To see if the virtual machine that is set up to run DOS/VS is
running, issue this command: query dostest1
After issuing this command, a user can continue to use CMS (or some
other operating system) in this virtual machine.
If desired, users can again disconnect the CMS virtual machine and
reconnect onto the DOS/VS virtual machine. For example: A user knows
that the jcb stream being executed may pause to require an operator
response. Or, a user may use CMS to spool another job to DOS/VS. Then,
a user may need to reconnect to the DOS/VS virtual machine to alert DOS/VS to begin reading from the card reader.
After reconnecting, issue the BEGIN command for the DOS/VS virtual
machine to resume execution .• DISCONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS When using mere than one userid to alternate between two operating
systems, consider: How DOS/VS may read additional jobs from the card reader? What happens when there is a read from the console of the tCS/VS virtual machine? What happens to the console log of a disconnected virtual machine? 102 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
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