Use the starter system to copy the distribution libraries from the
tape volumes (DLIBT1 and DLIBT2) to a DASD volume (DLIBA2). Create stand-alone card decks for independent utilities. List the VTOC of each current system volume (this listing can be used
when reallocating data sets in the future) Initialize the volume that is to contain the new OS/VS. The following examples in this topic assume that the two virtual
machines (whose directory entries were shown in Figure 17) each have
their own 3270 terminals. If two terminals are available, this is the
mcst efficient method. Each system (CMS and OS/VS) runs independently
with full terminal access.
However, a user can run the same procedures and use a single
terminal. For example: To access the OSVSSYS virtual machine, place
the osces virtual machine in disconnect mode and log onto CSVSSYS. The
disccnnected virtual machine (OSCMS) continues to run. When ready to
exchange virtual machines again, disconnect from the OSVSSYS machine and
log tack cnto osces. Logging back onto a disconnected virtual machine
stops its execution. To resume operation, enter the CP BEGIN command. !gte: Before using the disconnect method of running two virtual machines
from one terminal, note the disconnection considerations described later
in this section.
INITIALIZING THE STARTER SYSTEe VOLUeE The utility control statements supplied as card input on a stand-alone
system can be generated as ces files in a Ve/37C environment. The editor and EXEC facilities, along with the V5/370 spool file system,
allow a user to create, update, and store entire job streams or
individual job steps. Data as well as job control language statements
can be included in these ces files.
Fer example: A user can use the osces virtual machine
reader input required by the IBCDASDI utility program.
the DASD volume to contain the starter system, log
virtual machine, load CMS, and enter the following:
to create the
To initialize
onto the edit initstrt ojcl
(open and identify new file)
(enter input mode)
initvo11 job
msg todev=3210,toaddr=Oif dadef todev=3330,toaddr=350,volid=scratch,passes=0 vld newvolid=dliba1,ownerid=sysprogmr
vtocd strtadr=14,extent=5
(null line)
(to return to edit mode)
The IBCDASDI control statements now reside in a C8S file. They are
identified as INITSTRT OJCL and belong to the OSCMS virtual machine. Section 4. OS/VS in a Virtual Machine 117
To transfer a copy of this file to the virtual reader of the OSVSSYS virtual machine, enter the following commands:
cp specl punch to osvssys
punch initstrt ojcl (noheader)
These commands queue the punched file in the virtual reader of user OSVSSYS, whether OSVSSYS is· logged on or not. If OSVSSYS is logged on
and does not have its messages disabled (SET !SG OFF), a message at the
terminal netifies him of the additional reader input. If OSVSSYS is not
legged on, the notification message is displayed as part of the user's
LOGON messages when he eventually logs on.
Tc perform the initialization, use a second terminal and log on to
userid OSVSSYS. Send the following messages to the system operator: msg op Fls mount scratch 3330 pack as 350 msg op pIs mount osvs1 starter tape as 181
In response tc these messages, the system operator mounts a 3330 volume
on some available disk drive, such as 150, and enters:
attach 150 to osvssys as 350 Similarly, after mounting the VS1 starter tape on an available tape
drive, such as 411, he enters:
attach 411 to osvssys as 181
The user receives the following
operator's action:
two messages to confirm the From the OSVSSYS terminal the user can now enter these CP commands to
load the IBCDASDI program: ready 181
ipl 181
ihen loaded, IBCDASDI is the first file on the starter tape. After
being loaded, the program goes into a wait state. To check for this
wait state condition, display the PSi by issuing:
icp display psw
To define the control statement input device (the virtual reader) to
the IBCDASDI program, press the ENTER key (or its equivalent) to display
this message:
IBC105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE Reply, in uppercase: INPUT=2540,OOC ihen the vclume initialization is complete, the user receives this message at his terminal:
IBC163A END OF JOB After displaying this message, the system enters the wait state.
118 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
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