After receiving the completion message: IEH806I ANALYSIS OF DDNAME=SYSIN IS COMPLETE. VOLUME SERIAL NO.=DLIBA2 Vary the initialized volume back online. The IEBCOPY utility program is used to unload the distribution
libraries from tape to disk. The IEBCOPY control statements are in the form of load procedures and are contained in the first file of each
distribution library tape.
Have the system operator mount the distribution library tapes and
fellcw the procedures in the appropriate system generation publication
to unload the distribution libraries to either one or two DASD volumes
(depending upon their capacitn CREATING CARD DECKS FOR UTILITY PROGRAMS To punch out the independent utilities and IPt text, consider storing
the card images in the OSCMS virtual machine.
Before running the IEBPTPCH program, issue the CP command: Icp spool punch to oscms
This command sends the punched output to the OSCMS virtual reader. When the IEBPTPCH Frogra. has completed, enter the CP command: Icp close punch
This command releases the file to the OSCMS virtual machine. OSCMS console, enter:
readcard utility output
At the
This command creates a CMS file that contains all the card images punched. By using the CMS editor, create separate files for each
utility, add aFpropriate control statements, and file them for future
INITIALIZING THE SYSTEM RESIDENCE VOLUME Initialize the new system residence volume from the OSCMS machine while
starting the stage I on the OSVSSYS machine. Use the editor to create an 1BCDASD1 control statement file, and identify it as 1BCDASDI CTLS. Use the EDIT subcommand GETFILE to insert the 1PL TEXT file (previously punched from the distribution library volume). Then, perform the initialization by entering:
cp specl punch to * cont
punch iFl ibcdasdi (noheader)
punch ibcdasdi ctls (noheader)
cp spool punch nocont
cp close punch
cp ipl OOc and replying to the prompting messages. 120 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
VM/370 UTILITY PROGRAMS A user should also consider the VM/370 utility and service programs. Many of these programs perform functions that are practically identical
to the as/vs utilities: DDR: The VM/370 DASD dump restore (DDR) service prograa can be obtained by running it in stand-alone mode. IBCDASDI: The VM/370 IBCDASDI program is available on the system aIsk:--It has a filename of IPL and a fi1etype of IBCDASDI. An added
feature cf the VM/370 version is its ability to initialize virtual
disks (minidisks). The VM/370 ICAPRTBL program is available by using the CP commands LOADBUF and LOADVFCB. Use the class D command LOADBUF to
load the universal character set buffer (UCSB) or forms control
buffer (FCB) for specific real printers. (For details about the LOADBUF command, refer to the Also, use
the class G command LOADVFCB to load an FCB for specific virtual
printers. (For details about the LOADVFCB com.and, refer to For a description of the DDR and IBCDASDI programs and their operating
To precess stage I, the eMS virtual machine can be used to:
1. Create the stage I input job stream (job control statements and
system generation macro instructions) 2. Execute a single assembly.
3. Check the assembly listing for errors.
If any errors occur, repeat all three steps of the stage I procedure. The stage I assembly can actually be executed in either the CS/VS or CMS virtual machine, whichever is more convenient. Use the CMS editor to create and store the stage I input. The job
stream can then be punched to the OSVSSYS machine's virtual reader for assembly under the OS/VS starter system. The CMS editor also allows the
user to edit the job stream, make changes to it, and file the modified
copy under a different name. Section 4e as/vs in a Virtual Machine 121
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