Page of GC20-1821-3 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0840 Index The entries in this Index are accumulative. They list additions to this publication by
the following VM/370 System Control Program Products: VM/370 Basic System Extensions, Program Number 5748-XX8 VM/370 System Extensions, Program Number 5748-XE1 However, the text within the publication is not accumulative; it only relates to the one SCP proqram product that is installed on your system. Therefore, there may be topics and
references listed in this Index that are not contained in the body of this publication. #CP function CP function)
abend dump, printinq for virtual machines
devices, bV VM/370 virtual machine 55
error records, for operating systems
under VM/370 4 accountinq ACCT option, generating job accounting
cards for virtual user 40 elapsed processor time, in DOS/VS virtual machine 73-74 ACCT option, OPTION control statement,
accounting considerations unique to
operatinq systems 40 allocating space CP disks, for VM/370 virtual machine 53-54 for temporary disks, with CP format/allocate program 17-18
alternate consoles, specifying for virtual
machine 14-15 alternate path support
defining hardware features to VM/370, using RDEVICE macro 20 for viLtual machines 19-20 mutually exclusive with real
reserve/release support 20 real VM/370 reserve/release support for
dedicated DASD 20-21 restriction, not for real reserved
devices 21
summary of VM/370 reserve/release effect
on 22-23
alternating between operating systems alternatinq technique)
alternatinq technique
between virtual machine operating
for CMS and OS/VS 133-135
for DOS/VS and CMS 94-100 for operating systems 24-26 application programs
designing to run efficiently under VM/370 4 developing and testing
using alternating technique between CMS and operating system 24-26
using OS/VS virtual machine 137
timer-driven, specifying REALTIMER
option for 41 VIRT=REAL option
using for 41-42 using for (5748-XE1) 42-42.1 ASP virtual machine
connecting with real ASP machine 32-33
using virtual CTCA, to connect two
virtual machines 31
attached processors, dedicating to MVS V=R virtual machine 138-138.2 AUTOLOG command
defining AUTOLOG facility, in AUTOLOG1 virtual machine 47 use with AUTOLOG facility 46 AUTOLOG facility 46-48 AUTOLOG1 virtual machine
defining for multiple systems 48 defining for single system 47-48 defining in VM/370 directory 47 logging on users automatically, using CP AUTOLOG command 46 AUTOLOG1 AUTOLOG facility)
autopoll, channel program, bypassinq when
using BTAM under VM/370 8
batch mode
for DOS/VS virtual machine, using 93
for OS/VS virtual machine, using 132
batch virtual machine
operating systems supported under VM/370 2 . using under VM/370 3 BMX option, using block multiplexer
channels, for virtual machine operating
systems 6.1
BTAM, autopoll channel program, VM/370 checking and bypassing for 8
Index 139
of GC20-1821-3 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNt GN25-0840 C
channel programs, 1SAM, option for
executing under VM/370 7
dedicated, specifying for virtual
machin e 17
model dependencies, effect on channel
error recovery procedures 13-14
overlapping SIO requests on, using BMX option 6.1
channel-to-channel adapter CTCA) CMS (conversational monitor system)
alternating technique
for DOS/VS 94-100 with OS/VS in same virtual machine
loading for use with DOS/VS 94 VM/370 component
description of 3
description of (brief) 2 CMS editor, advantages when generating
operating systems under VM/370 38 CMS/DOS, linkage editor, program execution
under CMS/DOS 73
common area, calculating for OS/VS2 virtual
machines (2148-XEj) 34.4-34.5
communicating between virtual machines, using VMCF 7
communication lines, by using SPECIAL control statement 45
communications system, testing, using virtual machines 29
configuration virtual machine) CONSOLE control statement
defining VM/370 virtual machine 51
specifying secondary console 14
defining operator's console
virtual VM/370 system 52
console, defining for VM/370 virtual
machine 52
consoles (§gg multiple consoles)
control program CP) CP (contI:' 01 proqram) VM/370 component, brief description of
CP commands
from DOS/VS virtual machine 91-92
from as/vs virtual machine 131-132
CP disks, formatting and allocating space,
for VM/370 virtual machine 53-54 CP function, for OS/VS virtual machine, how
to use 132 CPU processor)
CTCA (channel-to-channel adapter)
defining, by usinq SPECIAL control
sta t ement 45
real, connecting real and virtual ASP system!=: 32-33
virtual, specifyinq for ASP virtual
machines 31
D DASD for virtual machine
dedicating to 17
defining for 17
sharing data between users 17 VM/370 reserve/release support for 20-23 DASD dump restore program data transfer, between virtual machines,
using VMCF 7
DDR (DASD dump restore) VM/370 utility program, description of
debugging, printing dumps for operating
systems under VM/370 5
DEDICATE control statement
assigning CTCA to ASP virtual machine
defining devices with special I/O protocol (caution) 46
defining virtual addresses on real TCU 30 specifying a device as primary
console 15
unique considerations, for virtual
machine operating systems 43-45
channels, specifying for virtual machine
17 DASD, real VM/370 reserve/release
support for 20 devices
alternative to dedicated channels 17
summary of VM/370 reserve/release
effect on 22-23
to use unsupported devices 4
using DEDICATE control statement
volumes, VM/370 release/release support
for (specification example) 22
dedicated processor, for MVS V=R virtual
machine 138-138.2
to OS/VS virtual machine
devices 127-128
operator's console 127
virtual console
for second level VM/370 system 52
virtual devices, using VM/370 directory
control statements 46
virtual lines, to multiple-access
virtual machine 26-28 DIAGNOSE instruction codes
summary of 10-11 x'10', invalidating entries below
high-water mark 34.3 X'28', notifying VM/370 of BTAM autopoll
channel programs 8
x'68', using VMCF 7 140 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtl1al Machine
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