3277 V111 r-----. i I I L __ ----.J VM2 Control Program of VM/370 virtual
J I Virtual I 3272
3277 r---- I Real I 3277
Note: Users can define virtual lines for a virtual machine. running a 3704 or 3705 in Network Control program (NCP)
lines are a subset of the lines controlled by a real
control unit (TCU). Figure 5. Virtual Devices: Local 3270 Terminals
Except when
mode, these
Except when running a 3704 or 3705 in NCP mode, a subset of the lines of a real transmission control unit (TeO) can be defined as virtual
lines for a virtual machine, as shown in Figure 6. VM1 r-----, I I I I I I VM2 Control Program of VM/370 Virtual 2703 I Virtual I 2703 L-- ________________ . ________ Data Set Real 3705
(In 2703 Emulation Mode) Data Set Note: Two lines on the real 3705 are defined as virtual lines for two vIrtual machines named VM1 and VM2. The remaining lines may support
virtual operator consoles.
Figure 6. Virtual Devices: Remote Terminals Section 1. General Considerations 27
As shown in Figure 1, the virtual machine operating system may be one
like VM/310 itself, or TSO, that supports a number of remote terminals.
To assign a real line as a virtual line, the terminals supported by
the virtual machine's operating system are of the same type as those supported by VM/370 as virtual system consoles. To make this assignment, define the virtual lines either in the virtual machine's VM/310 directory entry (via the SPECIAL control statement) or add them
to the logged-on virtual machine (via the CP DEFINE command). VMl VM/310 Control program of Real VM/310 Virtual 2102 r I 3212
L __ I I Real 3105 I I (In 2103 Emulation Mode) I L-_________________________I I ,.--, .--. ,.--, ,.--, I II II II I L-J L-..J L-J L-..J '---__ ----.J V Data Sets I I I Ilocal I 3210 Figure A Virtual VM/310 Multiple-Access System Figure 8 a VM/310 directory entry for a multiple-access
virtual machine to run VM/310 under rr------------------------------------------, USER VM310 PASSWORD 1M OPTION REALTIMER ECMODE CONSOLE 01F SPOOL OOC SPOOL OOD SPOOL OOE DEDICATE 190 DEDICATE 191 SPECIAL 080 SPECIAL 081 SPECIAL 082 SPECIAL 083 SPECIAL 070 3215 2540 2540 1403 SYSRES SYSWRK 2102 2102 2102 2102 3270 READER PUNCH A IBM IBM IBM IBM B
Figure 8. Directory Entry for a Multiple-Access Virtual Machine Running VM/370 under VM/310 28 IBM VM/370 operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
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