with these directory entries, the operating system would be logged
onto the VM/370 system in disconnect mode. A user accesses the system
by logging cn as userid AUTOLOG1 with the appropriate password. To
temporarily relinquish use of the system without relinquishing
contiguous storage, the user issues the CP DISCONN To
reestablish a user issues the CP LOGON command. Issuing the CP LOGOFF command releases the contiguous storage space containing the VM/370 I/O device control blocks supporting the operating system.
In this example, AUTOLOG1 initializes CMS in a virtual machine. The
virtual machines containing the production operating systems are
automatically logged on in disconnect mode from the PROFILE EXEC. The CMS PROFILE EXEC contains several CP AUTOLOG commands, one for each
virtual machine to be loaded. For each userid identified in a CP AUTOLOG command, there must be an IPL statement in the VM/370 directory
te lead the operating system into the virtual machine. The
last CP command in the PROFILE EXEC may logoff AUTOLOG1. The virtual machines are logged onto V8/370 in disconnect mode. USER AUTOLOGl PASSWORD 256K 1M AB ACCOUNT ACCTNO BIN1 IPL eMS CONSOLE 009 3215 SPOOL OOC 2540 R SPOOL OOD 2540 P SPOOL OOE 1403 LINK VMSIS 190 190 RR MDISK 191 3330 1 10 UDISKA WR RPASS WPASS &CONTROL OFF NOMSG NOTIME PACK CP SPOOL CONSOLE START SET RDYMSG SMSG CP SPOOL PRINTER CLASS A CP SET EMSG TEXT CP SET LINEDIT ON CP AUTOLOG DOSUSER PASSWORD CP AUTOLOG DOSVUSER PASSWORD CP AUTOLOG OSUSER PASSWORD CP LOGOUT &EXIT By baving the preceding AUTOLOG1 directory entry and PROFILE EXEC, the DOSUSER, DOSVUSEa, and OSUSER virtual machines (specified in the PROFILE EXEC) are now logged onto the VM/370 system in disconnect mode.
A user accesses these virtual machines by logging on with the userid of DOSUSER, DOSVUSER, or OS USER along with the appropriate password. To
temporarily relinquish use of one of these virtual machines without
relinquishing contiguous storage, a user issues the CP DISCONN command.
Te reestablish use, a user issues the CP LOGON command. Issuing the CP LOGOFF command releases the contiguous storage space. This space
contains the VM/370 I/O device control blocks that support the virtual
machine being logged off.
48 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
SAMPLE DIRECTORY ENTRIES Tbis topic shews some useful virtual machines that can be defined when
running oFerating systems in virtual machines. Sample directory entries
fer running specific operating systems under VM/370 are in the operating
system dependent sections in this publication.
The fcllowing directory entry represents a multiple-access TSC system
configured tc handle one to four concurrent remote terminals and one
lccal 3270. It has been given the VIRT=REAL option to improve response
time. USER TSOSYS PASSWORD 384K ACCOUNT ACCTNO BIN8 IPL 290 OPTION REALTIMER VIRT=REAL CONSOLE 01F 3215 SPOOL OOC 2540 R SPOOL OOD 2540 P SPOOL OOE 1403 DEDICATE 290 TSOSYS DEDICATE 291 TSOWRK SPECIAL 070 3270 SPECIAL 080 2702 IBM SPECIAL 081 2702 IBM SPECIAL 082 2702 IBM SPECIAL 083 2702 TELE The directcry entry for this virtual machine has the ECMODE and
REALTIMER oFtions, allowing its user to check a new CP nucleus before meving that nucleus to the production system. TESTSYS contains two minidisks, 350 and 351. These disks are exact copies of the real system residence and scratch volumes. They are formatted and allocated so that
the real system can spool and page on these disks. If a user needs
additional disks, link to them before loading the virtual system. USER TESTSYS PASSWORD 512K ACCOUNT ACCTNO BIN11 OPTION ECMODE REALTIMER CONSOLE 01F 3215 SPOOL C 2540 R SPOOL D 2540 P SPOOL E 1403 LINK VMSYS 190 190 RR MDISK 191 3330 161 10 UDI SKA iR RPASS WPASS MDISK 350 3330 1 15 SYSWRK WR RPASS WPASS MDISK 351 3330 16 20 SYSWRK WR RPASS WPASS Section 1. General Considerations 49
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