r query virtual STORAGE = 00512K RDR OOC CLS A PUN OOD CLS A TO V145R PRT OOE CLS A COpy 01 CONS 01F ON DEV 051 DASD 130 2314 CMS370 RIO 056 CYL DASD 131 2314 CMS190 R/O 026 CYL DASD 19A 2314 CMS190 R/O 055 CYL DASD 290 2314 PIDSK3 R/O 045 CYL DASD 330 3330 PIDSK4 R/i 020 CYL DASD 331 3330 PIDSK5 R/O 060 CYL DASD 332 3330 PIDSK7 R/O 010 CYL DASD 333 3330 PIDSK7 R/O 010 CYL l.--- A CP QUERY VIRTUAL command is issued again to show that the virtual machine configuration has been redefined to match the one that can be
recognized by the virtual V8/370 system. Notice that the 330 disk has
read/write status (this is required for VM/370 to do virtual paging and
sFcoling). All the other disks have read-only status. Disks 191 and 290 are not recognized by the virtual VM/370 system because they are not
defined in the DMKRIO module; however, their inclusion in the
configuration does not matterA ,.------, I ipl 330 I L-- .J
The virtual V8/370 system is loaded by an IPt of the virtual system
residence volume (330). V8/370 VERSION x LEVEL 1 PLC nnn mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss NOi 19:02:54 EDT THURSDAY mm/dd/yy
19:03:16 LOGON AT 19:03:16 EDT THURSDAY mm/dd/yy
19:03:16 LINE 01F LOGON AS OPERATOR USERS = 001 19:03:16
This outFut is from the V8/370 system running in a virtual machine.
It is printing the responses on what appears to it as a virtual 3215
console. Note that the CHANGE TOD CLOCK (YES/NO) prompting message does
not require a response. If the response had been yes, it would have
requested a date and time to be set; however, the real time-of-day clock
cannot be changed from a virtual machine environment. The LINK error
messages are a result of the automatic operator logon and of the
directory net being able to find some disks defined in the operator's
virtual machine. The "RING" message is the real CP simulation of the
virtual console alarm function. Finally, the operator receives
confirmation of a logon.
62 IBM VM/370 operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
---------------------------------------------------------, CP VOLID NOT RRRR •••• RING •••• GGGG 19:03:16 CP VOLID PIDSK2 NOT MOUNTED RRRR •••• RING •••• GGGG
19: 03: 16 START ((COLD I WARM) (DRAIN» I (SHUTDOWN) :cold 19:04:00 FILES: NO RDR, NO PRT, NO PUN issues the messages indicating that CPDRM1 and PIDSK2 are not
mounted because the virtual DMKSYS module has an owned list that has
three volumes specified: CPDRM1, PIDSK2, and PIDSK3. The only one
available in the configuration during IPL was the system residence
vclume, CPDSK3. These error messages are not severe: only a minimum
amount of space is required by cp to accomplish paging and spooling.
The response to the start message in this case is "cold," which should te the normal response unless a specific test of warm start is required. r-- ! 19:04:23 query dasd all 19:04:30 DASD 130 cp 001 19:04:30 DASD 131 FREE 19:04:30 DASD 132 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 133 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 134 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 135 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 136 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 137 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 250 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 251 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 252 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 253 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 254 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 255 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 256 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 257 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 2DO OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 2D 1 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 2D2 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 330 CP OWNED PIDSK4 001 19:04:30 DASD 331 CP CPRL10 001 19:04:30 DASD 332 cp SYS196 001 19:04:30 DASD 333 FREE 19:04:30 DASD 334 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 335 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 336 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 337 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 350 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 351 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 352 OFFLINE 19:04:30 DASD 353 OFFLINE L--- Section 2. in a Virtual Machine 63
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