The user receives an acknowledgement: TAPE 180 ATTACHED
The user is now ready to start syste& generation. If he 15 not in
the CMS envircnment, issue the command:
ipl cms Spool the punch to the user's virtual reader:
cp spool punch to *
If the disk is to be initialized, punch out the CMS file:
punch initload djcl (noheader)
The NOHEADER option eliminates the header record normally punched out
to identify a card deck.
After a PUNCH command, the user receives an acknowledgement that the
file was spooled to the reader.
If the disk had already been initialized, the user would have punched
out the file: LOADONLY DJCL
Now that the job streaa is in the user's virtual reader, perform an IPL from the tape by issuing the CP co.mand:
cp ipl 180 When the system goes into a wait state, press the PA1 key (or its
equivalent) to place the virtual machine in CP console mode. Issue the CP command READY OOC to ready the virtual reader. Then, issue the CF command BEGIN to return control to the system tape.
The virtual machine is now under the control of the utility programs
on tape. The virtual machine should reply to all queries as if on a
real machine. When the distributed DOS/VS has been restored to disk, the user
receives a RESTORE COMPLETE and an END OF JOB message; the virtual
machine is then placed in a disabled wait state, and the console is put
into CP mcde. To now perform an IPL from address 250, use the
distributed system to perform the rest of the system generation
procedures. READYING THE INTERIM SYSTEM The IBM-supplied supervisor does not contain any I/O device
specificaticns. Until generating a new supervisor with its particular I/O configuration, the user must include the appropriate ADD and ASSGN commands each time he IPLs DOS/VS. The following job stream files can be created for use in this and
other phases of system generation:
add and assign I/O devices
assign standard labels
display the directories
Section 3. DOS/VS in a Virtual Machine 77
To start the system, assign standard labels, display the directories,
and enter the following sequence of commands:
cp spool punch to *
punch ipladd djcl (noheader) punch stdlabel d jc 1 (noheader)
punch dserv djcl (noheader)
cp ipl 250 clear
The last cemmand loads the DOS/VS supervisor from unit 250. When the
system goes into a wait state, ready the reader as follows:
(press PA1 key or its equivalent)
then enter:
ready OOc begin
As each job ends, press the ENTER or RETURN key (depending on the type
of terminal) to start the next job. ASSEMBLING AND LOADING A NEW SUPERVISOR The job stream to assemble an
another candidate for a CMS file.
it is easy to assemble different
installation tailored supervisor is
In addition to the storage advantage,
supervisors. When planning to assemble a supervisor, enter the
macro asse.bly job stream in a file called ASMBLSU1 DJCL.
another job stream to assemble a different supervisor,
edit asmblsu1 djcl
To generate
IPL eMS and
This command accesses the supervisor memo file for a CftS EDIT session.
Then, use the CHANGE and INPUT subcommands of EDIT to alter the
supervisor macro instructions and the job name. Enter or change the SUPVR macro instruction to include 10=2; this specification identifies
the new version of the supervisor as $$A$SUP2. When all the changes
have been made, file the new version under its own name by issuing:
file asmblsu2 djcl
The user now has two job streams on
supervisor. Use this procedure to generate
number of supervisors.
file, the original and new
job streams to assemble any
To assemble these two supervisors, punch the appropriate job stream files to the virtual card reader. While still in the CMS environment,
issue the following sequence of commands:
cp spool punch to *
punch iFladd d jc I (noheade r)
punch stdlabel djcl (noheader)
punch asmblsu1 djcl (noheader)
punch asmblsu2 djcl (noheader)
cp ipl 250 clear
78 IBM VM/370 operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
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