To start the system, assign standard labels, display the directories,
and enter the following sequence of commands:
cp spool punch to *
punch ipladd djcl (noheader) punch stdlabel d jc 1 (noheader)
punch dserv djcl (noheader)
cp ipl 250 clear
The last cemmand loads the DOS/VS supervisor from unit 250. When the
system goes into a wait state, ready the reader as follows:
(press PA1 key or its equivalent)
then enter:
ready OOc begin
As each job ends, press the ENTER or RETURN key (depending on the type
of terminal) to start the next job. ASSEMBLING AND LOADING A NEW SUPERVISOR The job stream to assemble an
another candidate for a CMS file.
it is easy to assemble different
installation tailored supervisor is
In addition to the storage advantage,
supervisors. When planning to assemble a supervisor, enter the
macro asse.bly job stream in a file called ASMBLSU1 DJCL.
another job stream to assemble a different supervisor,
edit asmblsu1 djcl
To generate
IPL eMS and
This command accesses the supervisor memo file for a CftS EDIT session.
Then, use the CHANGE and INPUT subcommands of EDIT to alter the
supervisor macro instructions and the job name. Enter or change the SUPVR macro instruction to include 10=2; this specification identifies
the new version of the supervisor as $$A$SUP2. When all the changes
have been made, file the new version under its own name by issuing:
file asmblsu2 djcl
The user now has two job streams on
supervisor. Use this procedure to generate
number of supervisors.
file, the original and new
job streams to assemble any
To assemble these two supervisors, punch the appropriate job stream files to the virtual card reader. While still in the CMS environment,
issue the following sequence of commands:
cp spool punch to *
punch iFladd d jc I (noheade r)
punch stdlabel djcl (noheader)
punch asmblsu1 djcl (noheader)
punch asmblsu2 djcl (noheader)
cp ipl 250 clear
78 IBM VM/370 operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
At this Foint, use the CMS editor to check the program listings for
errcrs. There is no need to print out a hard copy. Spool the printer
output to the virtual reader, return to the CMS environment, create a CMS file from the reader data, and use the EDIT function to scan the listing. Before loading DOS/VS, include this CP co.mand in the previous
sequence of ccmmands:
cp spool printer to *
This command directs printer output to the virtual reader.
is already spooled to the reader.)
(The punch When precessing more than one job, keep the output of each job
separate by closing the printer and/or punch at the end of each job. When the EOJ ASMBLSU1 message appears and the virtual machine stops on
an ATTN OOC, close both the punch and printer files and also assign them spool filenames and filetypes by issuing the commands: tcp close punch name asmblsul deck tcp clese printer name asmblsul list
After issuing these commands, enter a null line to start the next
jeb. While spool files are automatically closed when issuing an IEL command, the CLOSE command can be used on the last job to name the
To return to the CMS environment, enter: tcp ipl ems Use the CMS READCARD command to generate CMS files from the reader
files. Each READCARD command converts the first file in the reader to a CMS file with the filename and filetype specified in the READCABD command. That file is then deleted from the reader queue. To
determine which file is first in the reader, query the reader with:
cp query reader all
The respcnse itemizes all the files in the reader in sequence and
includes such information as file identification number, printer or
punch file, and filename.
If the response to the QUERY command was: 1502 1503 1541
1542 PUN PRT PUN PRT and the user then issued:
readcard supvsr1 text ASMBLSU1 ASMBLSU1 ASMBLSU2 ASMBLSU2 DECK LIST DECK LIST eMS reads file number 1502 and creates a CMS file with a filename of SUPVSRl and a filetype of TEXT. However, tc check the listing for errors, issue:
cp order reader 1503 Section 3. DOS/VS in a Virtual Machine 19
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