These commands send the job stream to the virtual reader, hold the
punch, and sFeol the printer to the reader. When the assemblies have been completed, reload CMS and examine the
listings for any errors by entering this series of commands: icp ipl ems
cp speol printer off
cp spool punch nohold
readcard iocsmods listing
edit iccsmods listing
(use EDIT subcommands to scan listing)
If the there are errors, use the
entries and resubmit the job stream.
print iocsmods listing
to print the assellbly listing s. CMS editor to correct
If there are no errors,
the macro
Enter the following commands to build a job stream that catalogs the IOCS text decks to the system relocatable library:
cp change reader all nohold
readcard iocsmods text
edit catalrio djcl
input II job catalrlb
input II exec maint
getfile i oc smod s te xt
input 1* input 1& file
FINAL HOUSEKEEPING Once the basic system generation is complete, a number of
executed housekeeping procedures can be set up as job streams.
jeb streams te perform these procedures: Set new standard labels Reallocate library sizes Condense libraries Set automa tic condense limi ts
consider e CCFY the system residence pack (and private libraries) for backup Catalog eften-used job control statements and linkage editor control
statements to the procedure library
To initially create job streams and pass them to DOS/VS for testing,
fellow the same procedures as for system generation. After verifying
the jeb streams, use one job stream to catalog the other procedures to
the system's procedure library. !2te: When cataloging job control statements to the procedure library,
an installaticn can use the CMS editor. Section 3. DOS/VS in a Virtual Machine 81
Sample DOS/VS Directory Entries
The following directory entries represent some batch type virtual
.achines that can be used to run production jobs under DOS and DOS/VS. The operands specified on the OPTION control statement reflect the
requirements cf the particular syste. being used. Disk space can either te dedicated cr shared with other systems. USER DOSUSER PASSWORD 256K ACCOUNT ACCTNO BIN3 IPL 350 OPTION ACCT CONSOLE 01F 3215 SPOOL OOB 2501 SPOOL OOC 2540 R SPOOL OOD 2540 P SPOOL OOE 1403 KDISK 350 3330 101 30 OSDOSl KDISK 351 3330 1 20 UDISK1 W USER DOSVUSER PASSWORD 512K ACCOUNT ACCTNO BIN4 IPL 350 OPTION ECKODE CONSOLE 01F 3215 SPOOL 012 3505 SPOOL 013 3525 SPOOL 002 3211
LINK VKSYS 190 190 RR W KDISK 191 3330 11 10 UDISKA VR RPASS WPASS KDISK 350 3330 100 50 VOSDOS W KDISK 351 3330 21 30 UDISKl W Accessing DOS/VS This topic assumes that DOS/VS for use under VK/370 has already been
generated and that the system residence volume is available on a real
disk or minidisk in read/write status. A user can make the system residence vclume available in anyone of these ways: Define the DOS/VS system residence as a read/write disk in the VK/370 directory entry for the userid running DOS/VS. A typical directory
entry might lcok like the following: KDISK 250 3330 101 50 VDOSYS KR RPASS WPASS Link to the DOS/VS system residence volume using the LINK command.
For example, if the DOS/VS system residence is on the 150 disk in the
directory entry for the userid DOSRES, a user could enter:
link dosres 150 250 w wpass
82 IBM VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
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