TIME {FROM h 1 : m1 TO h2:.2} FOR hh: •• ALL NONE temporarily overrides the automatic monitoring start and stop times defined by the SYSMON macro instruction. FRO! h1:m1 TO h2:m2 specifies a start and stop· time in hours and minutes
using a 24-hour clock. (The default start time is 09:00 and
end time is 17:00). FOR specifies the length of time data
should be collected; it is intended to facilitate performance
data collection over short periods ef time for testing or benchmarking. Automatic monitoring must be in effect before
this parameter is specified (AUTO=YES in the SYSMON macro of DMKSYS or MONITOR AUTO ON command). ALL specifies 24=hour
monitoring and BONE specifies that monitoring can only take
place under the direction of operator or system analyst. If automatic monitoring is i.minent and
is specified, the period of monitoring defined
macro is overridden. r , LIMIT n INOSTOPI ISTOP I ISAMPLEI L .J
the FOR option
by the SIS!CN temporarily overrides the LIMIT options of the SISKON macro.
n is a decimal number from 10 to 50000 that represents the maximum buffer count in each spool file. If it is necessary
to change the automatic monitoring specification after the
limit is reached and the spool file is closed, the STOP or NOSTOP option may be specified. If you wish to change the automatic monitoring specification without changing the limit
number, specify an asterisk (*) instead of a decimal number for n.
If SAMPLE is specified, n indicates the number of samples of PERFORM, USER, or DASTAP data (or any combination of the
three) that are to be collected before the spool file is
closed. After n samples of data have been collected, the
monitor spool file is closed and moved to the virtual reader
of the data reduction virtual machine. ftonitoring continues
uninterrupted using a new spool file. Automatic monitoring is
specified by using the SYSMON macro instruction in DMKSIS at system generation. SEEKS {INCLUDE raddr raddr ••• } EXCLUDE raddr raddr ••• DELETE DISPLAY This command option is used to centrol selective seeks monitoring. This enables the user to obtain seeks trace data
on only those non-2305 DASD devices that are specifically
requested. The com.and allows a list of devices to be
established for data collection and permits display or
deletion of an existing list. This decreases both the
overhead involved in collecting the data and the processor time to reduce the data.
The INCLUDE option followed by a list of non 2305 D1SD device
addresses, specifies the devices for which seeks data is
collected. The appropriate MONITOR ENABLE and START commands must be issued to invoke this function. Section 3. CP Commands 101
The EXCLUDE option specifies the devices for which seeks data
should not be collected.
The DISPLAY option enables the contents of the list to be
The DELETE option cancels the list, thus freeing the occupied
real storage. A device list established with the IICLUD! or EXCLUDE option is retained across separate monitoring sessions. A list is not cleared when a MOlITOR STOP co •• mand is entered;
however, the DISPLAY and DELETE options are provided for list
revision when SEEKS analysis is completed.
Though as many device addresses as can fit on
line may be entered, for performance reasons
be kept as short as possible.
a single input
the list should
The MONITOR command's response to unusual conditions are detailed in the
following paragraphs. Auto.s!if SHUTDOWN: Data collection is terminated with a MOlITOR STOP SPOCL coiiand: The spool file is closed and moved for data reduction to the
reader chain of the designated virtual machine. FAILURE: The current monitor data collection buffer is abandoned
but the--Spool file containing all previously output buffers is closed
and made available to the virtual reader of the designated virtual machine for further data reduction. PROGRAM LOAD: If automatic monitoring has been specified with
the SYSMON--iacro of- DMKSYS and the IPL occurs within the time range
specified on that same macro, monitor data collection is automatically started. The -operator is infor.-ed-butnoaction is-required. He say, however, use the MOlITOR DISPLAY SPOOL command to check the
specifications for automatic monitoring. If automatic monitor data collection is
and system messages are issued indicating serious loss
several checks should be made by the operator:
regularly active
of spool space, Ensure that adequate arrangements have been made to read and reduce
the monitor spool files on a day-to-day basis so that the occupied
spool space can be returned to the system. Ensure that the data collection classes do not include trace classes,
which produce large volumes of data (e.g. IITSIM or SEEKs). Do this
with the HORITOR DISPLAY command remembering that the specifications
of the DMKSYS maerQ SIS MOB may be temporarily overridden by the
operator or systems analyst using the MONITOR command. If spool space is a scarce or critical resource, monitoring can
either be done to tape or the LIMIT parameter used. The LIMIT parameter of the SYSMON macro or the LIMIT option of the MOlITOR START SPOOL command can be used to restrict the maximum size of the
monitor spool file by terminating monitoring when the maximum record
count is reached.
102 V8/370 Operator's Guide
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