April 1, 1981 MSGNOH Privilege Class: B Use of the !SGNOB command provides the ability for a system service
virtual machine to send messages to specified users without the standard
header associated with the !ESSAGE command. The format of the class B !SGNOB command is: !SGNOB userid msgtext Responses
{userid} msgtext
is the identification of the virtual machine to receive the
specifies the text of the message that is to be transmitted.
Length of the message may be as long as the remainder of the
input line.
only the message text is received by the specified virtual
section 3. CP Commands 105
Paqe of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 NETWORK The CP NETWORK command loads, du.ps, and controls the operation of a 370x control program in the VM/370 environment. NETWORK is also used to
control remote 3270 devices attached to VM/370 via binary synchronous
lines and 270x or 370x (operating in 270X emulation mode (EP» control
units. NETWORK COMMAND USAGE FOR 370X FUNCTIONS The NETWORK command: Causes 370x dump operations Initiates 370x load operations Enables or disables terminal resources varies resources online or offline I Halts a particular resource Ceases all 370x operations Queries and displays 370x resource status and storage Traces line activity to and from a 370x resource NETWORK COKMlND USAGE FOR REMOTE 3270 Use the NETWORK command to control remote 3270 resources and to vary the
polling delay on the binary synchronous lines that are connected to these resources. The NETWORK command.ay be used whether the remote 3270 resources are connected to a 2701, 2703, or to a 370x in Emulation Program (EP) mode with lines in EP mode.
The operands that specifically affect remote 3270s are: SHUTDOWN (Class A) VARY (Class A, B) POLLDLAY (Class A,B) DISABLE (Class A,B; ENABLE (Class A,B) QUERY (Class A,m RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION FOR REMOTE 3270'5 DEVICE AND CONTROL PNITS Resources are defined as display and control units
in the 3270 remote system. Whenever a £emote 3270 resource is referred
to in the NETWORK command, and is identified in a VM/370 system message,
the format is a four-character hexadecimal number, where the three
low-order characters are the actual station resource identifier, and the
high-order hexadecimal character is a relative line code associated with
a particular physical Binary Synchronous Communication (BSC) line that
remote 3270 terminals use. When the 3270 resource is referred to in the SET Plnn COpy command, the 3-character hexadecimal number is the remote 106 VM/370 Operator's Guide
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