Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TIL G125-0834 This blank page represents page 109 which
was deleted by Release 6 PLC 17
Section 3. CP Commands 109
Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 The format of the class A and B NETWORK command is: NETWORK LOAD raddr ncpname r , DUMP raddr IIMKEDI IOFF I IAUTO I L -' r ,
ENable IALL I Iresource [resource ••• ]1 L r , DISAble 1 Query 1 resource [resource ••• ]1 L r IACTive I OFFline IFREe IALL I resource
, 1 I I I [resource ••• ]1 r r "
Display raddr hexToc1 I {-} I hexloc21 I I : I END I I I L -' I 1 r , I I {.l I bytecount I I I IJ!ND I I L L -' VARY {ONline} resource [resource ••• ] OFFline r , POLLdlay nnnn IALL I Iraddr I L -' LOAD raddr ncpname
loads an EP 370x control program.
raddr is the real address of the 370x to be loaded.
ncpname is the name, previously defined by a NAMENCP macro and
saved on a CP volume, of the 370x control program image
to be loaded into the 370x specified by raddr. r , DUMP raddr iIMMEDi ,OFF ! I AUTO I L .J
dumps the contents of 370x storage for EP 370x control programs.
raddr is the real address of the 370x to be dumped. 110 VM/370 Operator's Guide
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