PURGE Use the PURGE command to remove closed spool files from the system before they are printed or pnnched b! the spooling devices, or before they are read by a user. The spooling operator can purge any file in the system. Any file can be purged, regardless of its status, as long as it
has not been selected for processing. The format of the PURGE com.and is: PURge I r , I luserid I I ISYSTE!! I I L I 1 Reader
Printer PUnch ALL r I I I L ]( ALL Class c1 Class c2 ... , spoolid1 spoolid2
'Purging may be done using a combination of CLASS c and spoolid
specifications. For example: PURGE PRIITER CLASS A 1932 CLASS D 619
specifies that all class A and class D files and files with spoolid
1932 and 619 are to be purged.
userid SYSTE! BEIDBR PRIITER PUBCH is the user identification for the user whose spool files are
to be purged.
allows the spooling operator to purge all files on the system, regardless of userid.
purges the reader file. Optionally, the reader files may be
purged by class or spoolid.
purges the printer files. Optionally, the printer files may be purged by class or spoolid.
purges the punch files. Optionally, the punch files may be
purged by class or spoolid.
iLL purges all the files; all operands that follow it, if
specified, are ignored. If ALL follcws READER, PRIITER, or PUleS, only the files for that device type are purged. CLISS c
purges the files of the specified class, for the specified
device type.
purges the files of the specified spool identification, for
the specified device type.
118 Y8/370 Operator's Guide
{:gnn} FILES PURGED indicates the nnaber of files purged. !2te: This response is suppressed if the virtual aachine user has issued
the SET IMSG OFF coa.and.
The systea operator, monitoring the RSCS virtual aachine for his
installation, should not specify this option because information aessages are required for accurate monitoring of RSCS systea activity.
section 3. CP Co •• ands 119
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