filename is the filename assigned to the file (if any). If the
file has a 24-character data set name (dsname), only 20 characters are displayed. These characters extend from the "name" field through the "type" field.
filetype is the filetype assigned to the file (if any).
distcode is the distribution code of the file.
ovly is the one-to-four character name of the flash overlay
sheet loaded into the 3800 printer. ctab is the one-to-four character name of the character
arrangement table to be used fer the separator page. plpi is the print lines/inch value to be used for the
separator page.
cmod is the one-to-four character name of the copy
modification module to be used for printing the file.
cc is the flash count for the file. HOLD : {NO } RDR, {NO } PRT, {NO } PUN nnn nnn nnn
user id -{ t, ... PRT, PUN} The first response displays the total number of files within the system which are retained in the system hold status. The second
response indicates the type of hold (if any) for any user in the
system for which HOLD is in effect. The user who issues QUERY BOLD may receive, depending upon the status of his spooled
files, the first response, the seccnd response, or both
The format of the Class A, B, C, and E QUERY command is:
Query PROCessor I PROCESSOR displays the online processors in the system. PROCESSOR nn OHLINE [,PROCESSOR nn ONLINE] displays the processors that are online. The first processor is the
.ain processor. Section 3. CP Co •• ands 133
The format of the Class A, B, C, D, E, and F QUERY command is: Query LOGMSG HAMES USERS userid
, f

} I Names I 'Users [userid] I userid I I displays the system log messages of the day. displays a list of all the users logged on and the real
address of the line to which each is connected. If the user
is disconnected, DSC is displayed instead of the line address.
displays the number of logged-on users and the number of users
dialed to other virtual machines. If userid is specified, the
userid and device address of the user's terminal are displayed
if he is logged on. If the specified user is not logged on, a message to that effect occurs. Use the USERS operand if the
userid is the same as an operand (or its minimum truncation)
of the QUERY co.mand. Bote: It IndIcated logged on
users in
for this
is possible for the number of users logged on as by the BABES operand to differ from the number as indicated by the USERS operand. The number of
the process of logging on and logging off accounts
difference. displays the userid and the device address of the user's
terainal if he is logged on. If the user is not logged on, a
aessage to this effect occurs.
* logmsg text line 1 * logmsg text line n logmsg additional text lines
All lines (both those with and without an asterisk) in the log message file are 13q VM/370 Operator's Guide
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