VARY Use the VARY command to mark a device available or unavailable for use by a user or the control program. (For 370x resources running in NCP or
PEP mode, or remote 3270 resources, use the NETWORK VIRY coamand.) Spooled unit record devices marked offline are reaeabered by the VB/370 system through any system failures. A shutdown and subsequent cold
start assumes that all devices are available. The foraat of the VIRY comlRand is: VARY OILIIE OFFLINE raddr {
} {raddr-raddr }
OFfline •• PROCessor nn makes a device(s) previously offline available.
makes the device(s) unavailable.
is the real address of the
altered. Bultiple devices as
addresses aay be specified.
device whose
well as
a range
is to be
of device PROCESSOR nn
is the processor to be made available or unavailable. The
value of nn is the processor address (hexadeciaal value froa 00 through 3F) established when the prccessor is installed. 1. If the device specified is a 2305, the address .cst be for the
first of 8 "exposures," that is, address xxO or xx8.
2. Execution of the VIRY device address (raddrj coa.and is
accomplished in two phases. In phase one, the command line is
checked to see if it is syntactically correct. If it is not, the command line is rejected. If the command line is correct, then the VARY ONLINE/OFFLINE process begins. When processing aultiple
devices or a range of devices, VIRY command processing continues
regardless of whether or not an error is encountered when attempting to vary anyone of the devices online/offline. In error aessage will be issued for every device that encounters an error
situation. In inforaational aessage will be issued for those
devices in the range or those aultiple addresses on the command line that could be varied online/offline.
3. Execution of the VIRY PROCESSOR nn coaaand is accoaplished as
follows. Comaand processing checks the coamand authority and syntax and that the specified processor nuaber is valid. If the co.mand is to vary the processor online, a check will be aade to
see if it is already online. If it is not, and if the processor is
available and operational, co.mand processing will establish
prefixing, initialize the control registers and prefix areas, and
set the clock comparator and CPU tiaer; the systea can' then
function in attached processor mode. Section 3. CP Coaaands 153
If the com.and is to vary the processor offline, a check will be aade to see that the specified processor is not the main processor
and that it is online and operational. It will then be taken
offline, processing will be quiesced on the specified processor,
and the control registers and prefix register will be cleared.
Those users having affinity to the specified processor will be
notified that the affinity is set off; these users will then be put in console function mode. 4. It is recoamended that if syste. perforaance
place, it should be stopped with a ftOR STOP after the configuration change is coaplete.
monitoring is taking command and restarted
S. If the systea .ode switch is set to UP .ode, make sure you stop the
online processor, set the switch to ftP, and then vary the offline
processor online.
raddr... } Y1RIBD {OBLIBE }
raddr-raddr OPPLINE One or .ore of the previous message responses will be sent to the system operator depending upon errors encountered in the co.mand execution
phase; see Usage Bote 2. RIDDR ftISSIRG OR IRYILID is issued if the PROCESSOR operand was entered without a processor
nu.ber, or if the specified number is invalid. PROCESSOR nn DOES ROT EXIST is issued if the processor specified by nn in the VIRY PROCESSOR nn com.and is not defined to the syste •• YIRY PROCESSOR COftftlRD PAILBD if the YARY OPPLIRE PROCESSOR nn command was entered, this response
indicates the specified processor is in uniprocessor mode or not online, lr it is the main processor.
if a YARY ORLINE PROCESSOR nn co •• and vas entered, this response
indicates that the system is not generated for AP mode, the ftP function
is not installed, or the system is already in IP .ode. PROCESSOR nn ONLIRE indicates that the specified processor is now online and operational. PROCESSOR nn OPFLINE indicates that the
specified processor is noY 154 Vft/370 Operator's Guide
offline and net
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