If the com.and is to vary the processor offline, a check will be aade to see that the specified processor is not the main processor
and that it is online and operational. It will then be taken
offline, processing will be quiesced on the specified processor,
and the control registers and prefix register will be cleared.
Those users having affinity to the specified processor will be
notified that the affinity is set off; these users will then be put in console function mode. 4. It is recoamended that if syste. perforaance
place, it should be stopped with a ftOR STOP after the configuration change is coaplete.
monitoring is taking command and restarted
S. If the systea .ode switch is set to UP .ode, make sure you stop the
online processor, set the switch to ftP, and then vary the offline
processor online.
raddr... } Y1RIBD {OBLIBE }
raddr-raddr OPPLINE One or .ore of the previous message responses will be sent to the system operator depending upon errors encountered in the co.mand execution
phase; see Usage Bote 2. RIDDR ftISSIRG OR IRYILID is issued if the PROCESSOR operand was entered without a processor
nu.ber, or if the specified number is invalid. PROCESSOR nn DOES ROT EXIST is issued if the processor specified by nn in the VIRY PROCESSOR nn com.and is not defined to the syste •• YIRY PROCESSOR COftftlRD PAILBD if the YARY OPPLIRE PROCESSOR nn command was entered, this response
indicates the specified processor is in uniprocessor mode or not online, lr it is the main processor.
if a YARY ORLINE PROCESSOR nn co •• and vas entered, this response
indicates that the system is not generated for AP mode, the ftP function
is not installed, or the system is already in IP .ode. PROCESSOR nn ONLIRE indicates that the specified processor is now online and operational. PROCESSOR nn OPFLINE indicates that the
specified processor is noY 154 Vft/370 Operator's Guide
offline and net
WARNING Use the WARNING co •• and to trans.it high-priority aessages to a
specified user or to all users. The WARNING does not wait for input
operations at the terminal to complete, but breaks in on the line
currently being displayed and sends the .essage i.mediately (unless the
SET WNG OFF com.and was previously issued for the virtual machine). The
format of the WARNING command is: Warning liNG userid
userid }
OPerator ALL msgtext is the identification of the user who is to receive the message. OPERATOR sends the message to the primary system operator regardless of
his userid.
ALL allows the system operator to broadcast the message to all
users receiving warning messages. IIsgtext is the text of the message to be sent.
hh:m .. :ss iNG FROM userid: IIsgtext is the response to the users who are to receive the warning .essage.
The hh:m.:ss represents the time in hours, minutes, and seconds when the message was sent to the user. !2te: WARNING commands ring the alar., if the ALAR! feature is
installed, and put the screen in a HOLD status (for 3270) _, When _this occurs, press the CANCEL key to put the screen in a RUIIING status.
section 3. CP Co.mands 155 r U
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