altape is the address of an alternate tape drive. If multiple reels of tape are required and "altape" is
not specified, DDR types the following at the end of the reel: END OF VOLUME eYL xxx HD xxx, BOUlT NEXT TAPE After the new tape is mounted, DDR continues automatically. QE!ioJt§: SKIP nn
r ,
forward spaces nn files on the tape. nn is any nuaber
up to 255. The SKIP option is reset to zero after the
tape has been positioned. MODE 162501 causes all output tapes that are opened for the first 116001 tiae and at the load point to be written or read in I 8001 the specified density. All subsequent tapes mounted L are also set to the specified density. If no aode REWIND UNLOAD LEAVE option is specified, then no aode set is perforaed and
the density setting reaains as it previously was. rewinds the tape at the end of a function.
rewinds and unloads the tape at the end of a function.
leaves the tape positioned at the end the file at
the end of a function. 1= When the wrong input tape is mounted, the aessage D!KDDB709E is displayed and the tape will rewind and unload regardless of options REWIND, UNLOAD, or LEAVE being specified.
2. If DDR is executed from eMS, failure to attach the tape drive or
the disk device (or both) to your virtual machine prior to invoking
the input/output statement causes the following response to be
displayed: INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION Use the SYSPRINT control statement (in the standalone DDR virtual
aachine only) to describe the printer that is to print data extents
specified by the PRINT stateaent. It also can print a aap of the
cylinder extents froa the DU!P, RESTORE, or COpy state •. en.t. If the SYSPRINT statement is not provided, the printer assignment defaults to OOE. eMS ignores the SYSPRINT stateaent when you DDR as a
co •• and under eMS, and eMS always directs the output· to OOE. The foraat
of the SYSPRINT control statement is: SYsprint cuu cuu specifies the unit address of the device. Section 4. V8/370 Service prograas 161
The function statements tell the DDR program what action to perfor •• The function comaands also describe the extents to be duaped, copied, or
restored. The format of the DUMP/COPY/RESTORE control statement is: I r , DUmp Copy
REstore I Icyl1 [TO] I ICPvol I IALL [cyl2 [Reorder] [To] [cyI3]] I I I I !her!!: I INUcleus I L .I DUMP requests the program to move data from a direct access volume onto a magnetic tape or tapes. The data is moved cylinder by
cylinder. Any number of cylinders may be moved. The format of the resulting tape is: COpy RESTORE Record 1: a volume header descrIbIng the voluaes.
record, consisting of data
Record 2: a track header record, consisting of a list of count fIelds to restore the track, and the number of data records
written on tape. After the last count field the record
contains key and data records to fill the 4K buffer.
Record 3: track data records, consisting of key and data records-packed into 4K blocks, with the last record truncated.
Record 4: either the end-of-volume (EOV) or end-of-jab (EOJ) traller- label. The end-af-voluae label contains the same inforaation as the next volume header record, except that the
ID field contains EOV. The end-of-job trailer label contains
the saae inforaation as record 1 except that the cylinder number field contains the disk address of the last record on tape field requests the program to copy data from one device to another
device of the same or equivalent type. Data may be recorded
on a cylinder basis froa input device to output device. A tape-to-tape copy can be accomplished only with data dumped by this program. requests the program to return data that has been dumped by
this program. Data can be restored only to a DISD volume of
the same or equivalent device type froa which it was dumped.
It is possible to duap froa a real disk and restore to a
ainidisk as long as the device types are the saae. cy11 [TO] [cy12 [REORDER] [TO] [cyl3]] Only those cylinders spscified are :cvsd, starting with the first track of the first cylinder (cyln, and ending with the
last track of the second cylinder (cy12). The REORDER operand
causes the output to be reordered, that is, moved to different
cylinders, starting at the specified cylinder (cyI3) the
starting cylinder (cy11) if cy13 is not specified. The REORDER operand must 'not be specified unless specified limits are defined for the operation; the starting and, if required,
ending cylinders (cy11 and cy12) must be specified. Note that
if the input device cylinder extents exceed the number of
162 V8/370 Operator's Guide
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