Genimage and Imagelib Service Routines YM/370 uses the OS utility program IEBIMAGE to enable the installaticn
to change the character arrangement tables, forms control buffer, copy modification and graphic tables that are available to the users. The eMS system communicates with this utility through the use of two eMS cOllmands: GEBIMAGE presents the input control file to the IEBIftAGB utility
program. GENIMAGE creates the text files on a eMS disk. Text
files are the images used by the 3800 printer. The text files
represent new images or replacements to existing images. The
format of the GENIftAGE control statement is:
r , r , r , r , r , GENIftAGE Ifn I 1ft I Ifill I! I Isfn I Isft I I fn
ft L J L J L J L J L J specifies the filename of the input control file. The name may be up to eight alphameric characters in If not
specified, the default filename is SYSII. specifies the filetype of the control file. Filetype aay be
up to eight alpha.eric characters in length. If not
specified, the default filetype is FILE.
specifies the filemode of the control file.
up to two alphameric characters in length.
the default file.ode is *. Filemode may be
If not specified,
sfn specifies the filenaae into Which the messages listing is
placed. If not specified, the default file nalle is SYSPRIBT. sft specifies the fi:tetype for the messages listing. If not specified, the file -is default type LISTING. sfm specifies the filemode for the messages listing. If not
specified, the default file mode is Al. reads the control file containing the list of
The files are then loaded into the specified
The format of the IMAGELIB control statement is: 15AGELIB naiiedsys text images. named system. naaedsys specifies the named system that is being created or replaced. 170 V8/370 Operator's Guide
Page of GC20-1806-9 1s Updated 1pri1 1, 1981 by TNt RespoBses:
The prograas generate messages that indicate successful completion or
errors. Completion messages and codes are returned to the user in the
file indicated by the sfn and sft operands of the GENI8lGE control statement .. Note: Further discussion of the IEBI8AGE utility prograa is contained in the OSLVS nl! PrintiBg Subsystem ProqramJler's·Guide.
Formatting Volumes--General Information Disk Initiaiization
Disk initialization and alternate track assignment should be performed
by the IBCDlSDI utility program on all direct access volumes used in a V8/370 installation, but with the following exceptions: On 231q and 2319 disks only if there are minidisks, then the
individual ainidisks should be initialized, rather than initializing the real disk. The 2305 drum should not have alternate tracks assigned. Instead,
defective tracks should be rewired to alternate tracks by the CE.
The rewiring makes the defective track transparent to all
programJling. (CP itself has no recovery procedures for "software assigned" alternate tracks on the 2305; however, an operating system running in one of its virtual machines might make use of them.)
Disk FOI'Jlatting 111 direct access volumes used by the V8/370 system (for paging,
spooling, system residence, directory, or temporary disk allocation)
must be properly labeled, formatted, and allocated. The CP
Format/l1locate service program (D8KF8T module) prepares disks for use by 1 eMS Format program is also available and must be used to format C!S and RSCS disks.
All direct access volumes (including both real
to be used by VSA! under C8S, as, or DOS, must
IBCDASDI utility.
disks and minidisks)
be formatted by the
If certain information in the as Format q label on track 0 cylinder 0 is destroyed, no additional alternate tracks can be assigned by IBCDASDI
until the volume is reformatted by IBCDASDI. When either IBCD1SDI or the CP Format/Allocate program (D8KF!T) is used to format a vo1uJle, this
information in the as Format 4 label is preserved. But, when the C8S Format Program formats the volume (or when it formats a minidisk whose
origin is cylinder 0 of the volume) the as Format label is destroyed
and no further alternate tracks can be assigned until IBCDlSDI is used
to reforJlat the volume.
Section 4. V8/370 Service Programs 171
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