VM/370 cold start procedures can start after the condition that
caused the System/370 or the operator to abnormally terminate the VM/310 system has been corrected.
If a cold start is required, start it by responding with "cold" to
the following message. hh:mll:ss START «COLDIWARMICKPTIFORCE) (DRAIN» I (SHUTDOWN) :cold
A good practice after an abnormal shutdown and cold start procedure
is for the system operator to incorporate into the LOGMSG the time of
the unplanned shutdown and that a cold start was done. This tells the
user that his spooled files were lost, and that reconstruction of some of his other files may be in order. !Qte: A warm start is the normal procedure used in recovering accounting
data and in order to access previously closed output files. CP informs you when a warm start cannot be done and requests an alternate
recovery method. Warm start implies that the previous VM/370 session ended with an
orderly shutdown procedure. A warm start should be attempted after Vft/370 has abnormally terminated, and after a successful system dump operation. Begin warm start procedures if yeu are not alerted by console messages or visual indications that a checkpoint or cold start
is required. Warm start restores previous spool controls and files;
accounting records remain valid and are to te kept as a base for
continuing operations. In many cases, Vft/310 recovers froll system failures and restarts itself. When this occurs, the following message
occurs at the console: Vft/370 SYSTEM RESTART To begin warm start procedures, key in "war." or simply press the END, ENTER, or RETURN key (depending on the ccnsole device) when the
following message appears at the console:
hh:mm:ss START «COLDIWAR8ICKPTIFORCE) (DRAIN» I (SHUTDOWN): (If you want to free up all unit record devices, specify "drain". You can also specify "warm-drain" to warm start the system and draiQ all
unit record devices, or "shutdown" to close down the system.) The warm start then proceeds as follows: portions of the V8/370 control program (CP) enter real storage and CP then checks the status of the time of day
(TOD) clock. If the clock is not set, CP requests the operator to set
it, as previously described. If the TOD clock is error-free, CP examines each DASD to ensure that the volume labels on all DASD packs
for VM/310 system use are correct. CP determines if the system residence (SYSRES) volume was defined and formatted during VM/370 system generation. CP also determines if the SYSRES volume resides on a device
defined as a component of the real I/O configuration. Label and SYSRES volume residence errors cause error message printing on the system console, and the system startup may abnormally terminate. However, if
CP finds no errors, it begins its recovery activity that is an
investigation of the integrity of the previously stored spooling and
accounting data. Section 2. Initiating V8/310 Operation 13
CP examines the queues and chains of user spool files and locates
where they reside on the spool DASD volumes. If ,"/370 detects a
spooling error, a console message alerts the system operator. CP checks accounting data for irregularities. If any are found, CP displays a message on the system console.
During V"/370 system generation, the installation designates a
console or terminal as the primary operator's system console. CP now
attempts to autoaatically log on the primary systea operator on that
console or terminal. Multiple alternate consoles can be specified in
the RIOGEN macro instruction during system generation. If the
designated V8/370 system console is turned off or not operational, CP automatically atteapts to log on the operator on the first designated
alternate console. If operational, this console is used as the V8/370 primary system console. If not operational and multiple alternate
consoles were specified during system generation, the next alternate
console is accessed. The primary and alternate consoles must be among
the following devices: I A real primary or alternate system console I A locally attached 3270 In addition, the alternate console can be any '8/370 supported remote terminal on a leased line connected to a 270x transmission control unit. Any terainals on switched lines, and leased line terminals connected to 3704/3705s are not supported as primary or alternate '8/370 consoles.
If the alternate devices do not exist, or are not ready, automatic logon
ceases and the VM/370 system enters the disabled wait state. If the
primary or alternate consoles are operational, but some processing error
occurs, manual operator intervention is necessary to bring up the V8/370 system. CP considers the first user to log on VM/370 with privilege
class A as the primary system operator. No other users are accepted on
the system until the primary system operator has successfully logged on.
The system operator's userid, password, and co.mand privilege class or
classes are usually stored on the CP system residence voluae during system installation.
If the system could not perform a warm start because of I/O errors or
invalid data in the warm start area, you can request a checkpoint (CKPT) start. This option attempts to initialize the system using the information that has been dynaaically checkpointed during system operation and stored in the checkpoint area. Spool file chains are
reconstructed; however, the original order of the files is lost.
Accounting and systea message data, recovered under a warm start, is
lost under a checkpoint Ilso, because each spocl buffer aust be
read to reconstruct the record allocation blocks, a checkpoint start
takes longer than a warm start.
If the system cannot perform a checkpoint start because of I/O errors or
invalid data in the checkpoint area, you can request a force (PORCE) start. This option operates like the CKPT start except that any spool
file that contains unreadable or invalid data is dropped from the system. 14 '8/370 Operator's Guide
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