Information about display terminal
usage also aFplies to the IBK 3138,
3148, and 3158 Display Consoles when
used in display mode, unless otherwise
Any information pertaining to the IBB 3284 or 3286 also Fertains to the IBft 3287, 3288 and the 3289 printers, unless
otherwise noted.
For the relationship
operators Guide to
prerequisite and publications, refer to YM/370 Library. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS of the YK/310 other YK/310 corequisite
Figure 1, The Order No. GC20-1800 CMS Order No. GC20-l8l9 Order No. If the 3161 Communucations Terminal is
used as the alternate system console, the JBK Order No. GI18-2000, is also a prerequisite.
The YftLJIQ User's Guide is a
prerequisite only if-the -operator edits
files used for system control or accounting
purposes. COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS CBS Command and Order NO: GC20=1818-- Order No. GC20-l8l9 If your installation Storage System, the
corequisite publications:
has a 3850 following iv VK/3 7 0 Operator's Guide Bass are Order No. GC38-l000. lEft 385C ftass system 1heory, Order No. GI 32- 0035. Information on commands that control the
virtual machine and its resources
applicable to the G privilege class user
are contained in the !or Interactive Problem Gulde:- Order Bo. GC20-l823 programmer's GC20-l801 Order Bo. Order Bo. GC20-l808 OL'ISEP and Error .§uide, Order Bo. GC20-l809- -- This publication contains information on
the VB/310 error recording process. It
also describes briefly the use of CPEREP, the CftS command that uses OS/YS EREP for editing and printing SYS1.LOGREC and YB/310 error recording
records. Detailed information on the
use of the operands of the CPEREP command is contained in EditiM gnd RrintiruI (EREP) ]I.Qgra.!, Order No. GC28-0112. and GC20-1813 Order No.
The following are corequisite
publications if your installation has a 3104 or 3105: lEft 3104 Panel Order No. G121-3086 IEB 3105 ContrQl Panel Guide, Order No. G121-3087 Note: References in the text to prerequisite and corequisite Vft/310 publications will be given in abbreviated form.
VMJ370 Introduction GC20-1800 (20) VM/370 Terminal
User's Guide
GC20-181O (40) VM/370 CP Command
Reference for General User.; GC20-1820 (36) CMS User .-- __ t'--_-, VM/370 CMS User's
Guide GC20-1819 (391 .----.1..-.-+--, VMf370 CMS Comm.nd
and Macro Reference
GC20-1818 (36) .....- __ t"--_---.. OS/VS .nd VM/370 I Assembler Programmer's
GC33-4021 (21) .-- __ tL..-_....., OSIVS- DOSIVS- VM/370 Assembler GC33-4010 (21) These publications are digests
of the fo,"",ts of VM1370 commands and service programs. If all documents are to be ordered, please use Order No. GBOF3576
t VM/370 Glossary and
Master Index GC20-1813 VM!310 System Messages (201 GC20-1B08 (401 OS/vS, DOSIVSE VM1370 EREP Messages GC38-1045-1 (401 Operations VM/370 Operator's
Guide GC20-1806 (401 RSCS User VM/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCSI USIIr's Guide GC20-1816 (30) ( VM/370 Quick Guide for
Use .. GX20-1926 (361 I VM!370 Commands
(General User' GX20·1961 (361 I VM/370 Commands (Other th.n Gener.1 Userl
GX20-1995 (36) 1.*lndiartes that thepublicetion is new in Rel_S. 2_ The number in __ is the file nu_
3. t Contains information on VMl370 EREP IUpport. Note: VM/370 SySlem M"'''ges is
required for all users of
virtual machines. System Programming VM/370 Planning dnd System Generation
Guide GC20·1801 (34) t VM/370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine
GC20-1821 (34) t VM/370 System Programmer's Guide GC20-1807 (36) t VM1370 Release 6
Guide GC20·1834 1341 I Figure 1. The VM/370 Library Publications
Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/3701 Library
(Release 6)
Support VM/370 I nteraetiv. Problem Control System OPCS) User's Guide
GC20-1823 (37
t + VM/370 OLTSEP .nd
Error Recording Guide
GC20-1809 (37) + VM/370 System Logic ... d Problem Determination
Volume 1 Control Programs (CP) SY20-<J886 (36) VM/370 System Logic and
Ifall documents Problem Determination
are to be ordered, Volume 2 eonv ..... tion.1 pI_uSIIOrder Monitor System (CMS) No_ SBO F -3802 SY20-0887 (36) VM/370 System Logic and
Problem Determination Volume 3 Remote Spool'g Communication Subsystem (RSCS) SY20-0888 (36) t VM/310 Data Areas and
Control 810ck Logic
SY20-0884 (36) t t VM/370 Service Routines Program Logic Sy20-()882 (37) t OSIVS and VMf370 Assembler Program Logic SY33-8041 {211 t t OSIVS, DOSIVSE, VMI370 Environmental Recording, Editing, one! Printing (EREP)Pr_ (37) t t
OSNS, DOSIVSE, VMI370 EnvinlllflWltal RocadIng. Editing, one! Printing SV:z&.a713 137} Preface v
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