Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834
The entries in this Table of Contents are accumulative. They list additions to this
publication by the following VM/370 System Control Program Products: VM/370 Basic system Extensions, Program Number 5748-118 'M/370 System Extensions, program Number 5748-IEl However, the text within the publication is not accumulative; it only relates to the one SCP proqram product that is installed on your system. Therefore, there may be topics and
references in this Table' of contents that are not contained in the body of this
xi SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THE VK/370 SYSTEM.l System/370 Recovery Management Support •• 2 Kachine Check Handler (KCH). .3
Channel Check Handler (CCH). .3 I/O Error Recording and SVC 76 .4 VK/370 Recovery Features. .4
Recording Facilities •••••••••• 4 VM/370 Repair Facilities .5 VM/370 Restart Facilities. .5 SECTION 2. INITIATING VM/370 OPERATION •• 7
Console Input Procedures .7
operating Procedures. .8 System Definition. .9 System Initialization. .9 Mass Storage System Initialization. 17
Attached Processor Initialization. 18
Console Definition. 19
Disabling the VM/310 Primary Console 20 Selecting a V8/370 Alternate Console
durinq VK/370 Initialization. 21
Controlling the 370x Communications
Controller. •••••••• 21
Considerations for Loading All 370x Control programs. 22
Special Considerations for Loading the
EP 310x Control Program 23 Messages On startup and Initializatian 24
Console Messages after Startup 24 System Operation Status Messages 24 Messages from Virtual Machine Users. 24
Hardware and Program Status Messages 24 3800 printing Subsystem Support. 26
Dedicated 3800 Printer Support 26
Performance Options. 27
Reserved Page Frames Option. 27
Favored Execution Option 28
virtual=Real option. 29
Locked Pages Option. 31 Priority 32 VM/370 Assistance -Hardware Assist •• 32
Affinity 34 System Termination System Abend Dumps SECTION 3. CP 35 36 37
privilege Classes for CP Commands. 37
Operator Commands. Notational Conventions •••• ACNT ATTACH •••••• ATTACH CHANNEL AUTOLOG. 41 41 44 45 50 52 54 56 59 62 BACKSPAC CHANGE DCP •• DEFINE DETACH. 64
73 74 76 77 78 HALT •• HOLD •• INDICATE. LOADBUF. LOCATE •• LOCK •.•• MESSAGE •• 79 KIGRATE MONITOR •••••• MONITOR Event Tracing and Recording. Event Tracing and
Recording .••.• Performance Measurement. Performance Measurement KSGNOH NETWORK. Network Command Usage for 370x 80 86 89 90 92 94 94 94.2 94 94.2 94 94.2 .105 .106 FUnctions. .106 NETWORK Command Usage for Remote 3270.106 Contents vii
page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 Resource Identification for Remote 3270's Device and control Units ••• 106 How to Use the NETWORK Command •• 107 ORDER. ••••• 117 PURGE. .118 QUERY.. .. .. .. .. .120 QVK .136 REPEAT. .136 REPEAT (57!8-Xjj). .136.1 SAVESYS. .138
SET. .139 SHUTDOWN 144 SPACE. ••••• 145 SPKODE .146 SPTAPE (2748-XX8). .146 SPTAPE .146.1
START. .146
START ••••• 146.3
START (.2148-Xj1) .146.4 STCP ••••• 148
Controlling the 3704/3705 Communications Control Program.. .157 Using CKS To Alter VK/370 Files ••••• 157 OTHER eKS COKKANDS .157
DASD Dump Restore (DDR) Service Program and How to Use It 158
Invoking DDR under CMS •••••••• 158
Invoking DDR as a Standalone Program. 159
DDR Control Statements •••••••• 159 I/O Definition ••••••• 159 GENIKAGE and IKAGELIB Service Routines .170 Formatting Volumes--General Information. 171
Format/Allocate service Program (D!!KFKT). 172
Format/Allocate Program Card Input •• 174
Format/Allocate Program Card
Input 8-XX8). Format/Allocate Program Card
Input 4 ••••• Format/Allocate Console Input.
IBCDASDI--General Information •• IBCDAS DI--General
Information ••••• IBCDASDI--General
Information (5748-Xj1) ••••• Assigning an Alternate Track Invoking the IBCDASDI Program. Stand-Alone FB-512 Service
programs (5148-XX8) FB-512 Service
programs (5148-XE1) Invoking DOS/VS FB-512
utilities (5748-XX8). Invoking DOS/VS FB-512
utilities (.2148-XE1). viii IBM VM/370 Operator's Guide 174. 1 174. 1 .178 .180 .180.2 .180.2 .189 .192 193 .193 .193 .193
Initialize Disk--General
Information (5748-XX8) ••••••••• 194
Initialize Disk--General
Information ••••••••• 194 VTOC Format VTOC Format Characteristics(.2148=XE1).194 Surface Analysis Utility -- General
Information ••••••• 194.6
Surface Analysis Utility -- General
Information (5748- XE1) 194.6 V!FDUKP Service program and How To Use It ••••••••• A ••••••• 193 VKFDUKP Service Program and How To Use It •••••••••• 194.7 VKFDUKP Service Program and How To Use It ,. .194.7
Creating Dump Files •••••••••• 193
Creating Dump Files ••• 194.7
Creating Dump Files ••• 194.7 Using the VKFDUKP Command ••••••• 194 Using the VKFDUKP .194.8 Using the VKFDUMP Command(.2148-XE1).194.8 Sample of Initiating the VKFDUMP Operation •••• ••••••••• 196
How To Print a CMS Dump File ••••• 197
How To Print a CP ABEND Dump from
Tape ••••••••• .197
Network Dump Operations. .198 NCPDUMP Service Program and How To Use It. .199 ZAP Service Program and How To Use It •• 200 ZAP Input Control Records. .201 Special Considerations for Using the ZAP Service Program .207 SECTION 5. OPERATOR SPOOLING Spooling Spooling Considerations •• S pooling Functions •• Spool Buffers. Spool Files. Output Classes Spooling Commands.
Spooled Card Input FUNCTIONS .209 .209 .209 .210 .212 .213
Spool Files for Virtual Machines Running Batch Jobs. •• .217 Using the CKS Batch Facility. •• .218
Starting the Batch Virtual Machine •• 218
Controlling the Batch Facility ••• 218.1 Purging, Reordering, and Restarting
Batch Jobs ••••••••••••• 218.2
Stopping the Batch Virtual Kachine .218.3
Support of the 3800 Printer as a
Real VM/370 Spooling Device .218.3 APPENDIX: SUKMARY OF CP COKKANDS •••• 219 Virtual Console Functions. •••• 220 INDEX. .225
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