CPU-nnn% APU-nnni Q1-nn Q2-nn STORAGE-nnni RATIO-nn.n CPU-nnni APU-nnni is a smoothed value that indicates the percentage of time that
the system is running in the main processor.
is a smoothed value that indicates the rercentage the attached processor is running.
of time that
Q1-nn Q2-nn
indicates the contention for CP is represented
values of the numbers of users in queue 1 and
values are maintained by the scheduler. STORAGE-nnni by smoothed queue 2. The
is a measurement of the use of real storage. It is a smoothed
ratio of the sum- of the estimated working sets of the users in
queue 1 and queue 2 to the number of pageable pages in the
system, expressed as a percentage. Because the criterion for
allowing a user on the eligible list to enter a queue is that at
least 15 percent of his working set size must fit in the
available page frames, the value of STORAGE can be more than 100 percent.
indicates the scheduler contention ratio; RATIO is a smoothed measure of the contention for real storage, and is defined as RATIO=(E.ft)/M. K is the number of users in queue 1 and queue 2
and E is the number of users waiting to be allocated real
storage by the scheduler and, therefore, temporarily resident in
the scheduler's eligible lists. Thus, RATIO is the ratio of
active users to users being serviced, and is 1.0 for optimum response. Optimum response occurs when storage is
available to accommodate all active users, assum1ng the CPU can -'pro'ces's---t-heir· If---Y" 'inra--·1!--ar-e-- -1:Hftll---O-;--tlie--'" vaTtfe "·of- RATIO is set to 1.0. Values of RATIO=1.5 and ft=10, mean that
users are in the eligible lists waiting for the scheduler to
allocate real storage space to them and the full discrimination
ability of the biased scheduler may be exercised upon them.
r , 1* I I userid I L -' PAGES: RES-nnnn WS-nnnn READS=nnnnnn WRITES=nnnnnn DISK-nnnn DRUft-nnnn YTIftE=nnn:nn TTlftE=nnn:nn SIO=nnnnnn RDR-nnnnnn PRT-nnnnnn PCH-nnnnnn The first line of the response gives all the data from the user's VMBLeK tbat is relevant to his virtual .achine's paging activity and resource
n is a decimal number throughout. RlS is the current number of the user's virtual storage pages
resident in real storage at the time the command is issued. is is the most recent system estimate of the user's working set
82 VM/370 Operator's Guide
READS is the total number of page reads for this user since he logged
on or since the last ACNT command was issued for his virtual
machine. WRITES is the total number of page writes for this user since he logged
on or since the last ACNT command was issued for his virtual
machine. DISK is the current number, taken at an instant of time, of virtual
pages allocated on system disk paging space for this user. DRUM is the current number, taken at an instant of time, of virtual
pages allocated on system drum paging space for this user.
The second line of the response gives user CPU usage and accumulated I/O activity counts since logon or since the last ICNT was issued for
his virtual machine. VTIME is total virtual time for the user. TTIME is total virtual and simulation time for the user. SIO is the total number of nonspooled I/O requests issued by the
RDR is the total number of virtual cards read. This value is
obtained from spool file control information. The total number
of cards to be read is incremented once to the RDR=value at the
start of each file read operation. PRT is the total number of virtual cards printed. This value is
obtained from spool file control information. The total nu=ber of lines to be printed is incremented once to the PRT=value at
the end of each file print operation. PCB is the total number of virtual cards punched. This value is
obtained from spool file control information. The total number of cards to be punched is incremented once to the PCH=value at
the end of each file punch operation.
userid aa bb sss/ttt use rid
userid is the user identification.
displayed. ) (Bore than one user may be
aa is one of the following: E1, E2, Q1, or Q2, indicating the
eligible lists or queues that are occupied.
bb is one of the following status indicators: RU current RUNUSER in uniprocessor aPFlications. In attached
processor applications, RU means current RUNUSER on the
main processor.
RA current RUNUSER on the attached Frocessor. RI does not
appear in the response line in uniFrocessor applications. PG in page wait --the user is not executing because CP is
trying to bring in a page from a paging device. Section 3. CP Commands 83
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