SAVESYS Use the SAVESYS command to save a virtual machine storage space with and PSi as they currently exist. This co •• and is used in the
process of creating named syste.s. The format of the SAiESYS command is: SAVESYS systemname must be a predefined name representing a definition of
installation requirements of the named system. The definition
indicates the number of pages to be saved, the DASD volume on
which the syste. is to be saved, and the shared segments (if
any). SAYESYS should be invoked immediately after loading the
syste. that is to be saved '(while it is in a stopped state).
Refer to the discussion of named systems in the for further information concerning saved
syste.s. SYSTEM SAVED 138 V8/370 Operator's Guide
SET Use the SET co •• and to establish system performs various functions to control the
parameters. The SET command CP system and virtual machine The format of the Class A SET co.mand is: SET r ,
AFFinity [userid] ION I 10FFI Inn I L CPAssist
r ,
userid Ixx I IOFFI L .J r ,
1 {LOgOn} LInk ION I 10FFI REServe userid SASsist L {
) OFF f {
[[PROC[nn]] OFF PRIORity userid nn
1The JOURNAL operand is valid only if STQUERY=YES is specified in
the SYSJRL macro instruction D!KSYS. r , AFFINITY [userid] lOB I IOFFI Inn I L (Attached processor system only) sets affinity for the
specified userid. If userid is omitted, affinity is set or
reset for the user who issued the co.mand. If 01 is specified
(specifically or by default), the value in the user's
directory entry is used. The value nn must be the hexadecimal (00-3F) processor address of an' installed processor of an
attached processor system. Affinity restricts execution of
the virtual machine to the specified processor, but does not
restrict CP code executed on behalf of a virtual machine to any processor.
Section 3. CP Commands 139
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