Page of GC20-1806-9 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0834 NETWORK DUMP OPERATIONS If 3704/3705 operations are erratic, fatal hardware errors occur, or
some other internal error appears, the Communications Controller's
storage should be dumped. The NETWORK DUMP command dumps the contents
of 3704/3705 storaqe for EP 3704/3705 control programs, if unit check or IPL required conditions are detected.
The format of the command with the DUMP operand is:
r------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I NETWORK I I , r , DUMP raddr fAUTO I 10FF I L L- _____ _
raddr IMMED AUTO OFF is the real hexadecimal address of the 3704/3705.
is the default operand; it forces an immediate dump. The IMMED operand, if specified, does not reload the control
program. Before 3704/3705 resources can be used again, the
control program must be reloaded. To reload the control
program after the "NETWORK DUMP raddr IftftED" command has
executed, use the "NETWORK LOAD raddr ncpname" command.
If the IMMED operand is specified, a check is made to
determine whether the "IPL required" sense status is present.
If it is not, the following message occurs:
DMKNET461R CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER YES TO CONTINUE: This pause in operations allows the operator an opportunity to
check the NETWORK DUMP command line before engaging or
terminating the operation.
causes a dump if VM/370 subsequently detects a unit check
condition or "IPL required" condition. If AUTO is specified,
each time a dump is taken, the Communications Controller is
reloaded with the 3704/3705 control program that was
previously active.
resets a previously set AUTO (automatic dump) status.
Note: The dumps produced by the NETWORK command cannot be processed by
the VKFDUMP service program. NETWORK-initiated dumps are processed by
the NCPDUMP (Network Control Program DUMP) service program created for
this task.
198 VM/370 Operator's Guide
NCPDUMP Service Program and How To Use It NCPDUMP is a CftS command. It processes CP spool reader files created by 3705 operations, that is, dump files that are produced as a
result of the CP NETWORK co.mand specified with the DUftP operand and
either automatic or immediate mode.
The NCPDUMP file processing operation can include: Erasing a specific CMS BCPDUMP file after printing it. Formatting the dump. Printing the dump. Assigning an identifier to the CMS NCPDU8P file. Creating the CMS BCPDUMP file from the spool file.
Although HCPDUMP is a efts command, its use is restricted to the user
identified by the SYSDUMP operand of the SYSOPER macro in DftKSYS during V8/370 system generation. The operation of HCPDU8P is similar to V8FDUMP operations. A general description of the BCPDUMP operation
follows the co.mand description.
The NCPDUMP command has the following format: NCPDUMP I [DUMPxx] [ ([ERASE][NOFORM](MBEMOHIC][BCPBUFF][) ]] DUMPxx ERASE NOFORl! is the filename of a CMS file containing a 3104/3105 Communications Controller program dump. This dump was created by a previously invoked HCPDUMP com.and with the ERASE operand
not specified.
erases the current CP DUMP file or a specified (filename), saved CKS file.
specifies that a formatted control block is not desired. MNEMONIC includes 3705 Assembler mnemonic operation codes in the
printed output. ICPBUFF specifies that a formatted listing of the KCP buffer pool is
The NETWORK command invoked with the DUMPxx operand, as stated
previously, produces CP files that contain the contents of a designated
3704/3705 Communications Controller unit buffer. These CP files reside
as a spooled reader input assigned to a system-designated user. The CftS ICPDUMP command invoked by this user formats (if requested) and prints
the contents of these files.
The NCPDUKP program creates a C!S file with a filename DUftPxx and a
filetype of NCPDUMP, and erases the original sIooled NETWORK initiated dump reader file. The created CMS file is erased if you specify ERISE; otherwise it is kept.
A maximum of ten du.ped spooled files can be processed and saved, and
later recalled, if necessary, by the system assignment of an xx identifier suffix to the CKS DUMPxx filename. The "xx" is a decimal number from 00 to 09, depending on any existing files of a similar na.e.
For example, if the files DUMPOO ICPDUMP and DUMP01 NCPDUMP already Section 4. VM/370 Service Programs 199
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