The LOG control record allows the user to specify a unique fix number
for the .odule specified in the BAME control record. Fix numbers are
recorded in a log file associated with the named .odule. The format of
the LOG control record is:
r , LOG {fixnum} I filetype (user data] I I !!E10 G I L fixnum specifies the number associated with the fix. Its length may vary from one-to-eight alphameric characters.
filetype specifies the file type of the log.
filetype defaults to ZAPLOG. If not specified,
user data specifies any data that the user wishes to enter into the log.
If user data is specified, the filetype operand is mandatory.
Bote: The LOG control record is optional and is allowed only
if valid liME and REP control records are found. The file
name iobtained by the log routine from the .odule named in the BAME control record.
The ZAP program ignores comment control records. If the PRIIT option is
in effect, the program prints the comments. The format of a comment record is:
The asterisk must be followed with at least one blank before you enter
the text.
The END control record ends ZAP The END record and .ust be the last control record. The format of the
record is:
206 V8/370 Operator's Guide
is required EID control
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR USING THE ZAP SERVICE PROGRAM Before you use the ZAP command against MODULE files, you can use the MODMAP command to determine whether a module map exists and what it
contains. When a ZAP input file has more than one pair of VER and REP control
records and a VER control record (other than the first) fails, you .ust
re.ove the records prior to the failing record and correct the error
before you issue the ZAP com.and again. Otherwise, the file being
.odified returns to its original status.
If you issue a REP control record against a file that
undefined area (for exaaple, a Define Storage area) within
field and do not issue a VER control record prior to the
record, the bytes prior to the undefined area, if any. are
all the bytes after the undefined area are not modified.
prints warning message DMSZAP248W. contains an
the REP data REP control
.odified and
The program
If the file to statement in a
contains blanks
be dumped contains undefined areas (such as a DS or ORG TXTLIB member), the hexadecimal portion of the du.p
to indicate that the corresponding positions are Section 4. VM/370 Service Programs 207
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