Apr il 1 , 1 9 81
36.2 VM/370 Operator's Guide
Section 3. CP Commands
The CP commands represent a set of interactive console functions that
the operator uses to control the VM/370 system, and that permit user
control of virtual machines. CP indicates the results of command processing with a conversational response, if appropriate (for example, COMMAND COMPLETE, MISSING ARGUMENT, or INVALID OPTION). The commands
that a VM/370 user (including the operator) can issue depend upon the
user's assigned privilege class(es), as described in the paragraphs. PRIVILEGE CLASSES FOR CP COMMANDS The CP co •• ands are divided into eight groups, each represented by a
privilege class that indicates the type of user from which the commands are accepted. Each user is assigned, as part of his entry in the VM/370 directory, one or more privilege classes (Figure 4 shows the function of
each class). The exceptions are users with a Iassword of NOLOG. The BaLOG ,users have no privilege class and can only send .essages via the command or receive spooled output as punched cards or printed
forms. The BOLOG password allows them to be identified as the
recipients of spooled output when a virtual machine user spools output
for them. Section 3. CP Commands 37
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