r , Ihexloc21 lEND I L .J
is a range of real storage locations to be dumped. To dump to
the end of real storage, hexloc2 may be specified as END or
not specified at all, in which case END is assulled by default. r , {.}Ibytecountl lEND I L .J
is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of bytes of
real storage (starting with the byte at hexloc1) to be typed
at the printer. The sua of hexloc1 and the bytecount must be
an address that does not exceed the size of real storage. If
this address is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up
to the next higher fullword. If the "." is used for a range,
hexloc2 is defined as the number of hexadecimal storage
locations (in bytes) to be dumped starting at hexloc1. If
hexloc2 is specified as a length in this way, it must have a
value such that when added to hexloc1 it will not exceed the
storage size. *dumpid is specified for identification purposes. If specified, it becomes the first line printed preceding the dump data. Up to 100 characters with or without blanks may be specified after
the asterisk prefix. If du.pid is specified, hexloc2 or
bytecount must be specified. The asterisk (*) is required to
identify the dumpid.
1. Normally, a user defines beginning and ending dump locations in the
following manner: 70 dmcp Lhexloc-hexloc
or --
There must not be any blanks between length or range symbols (: or
- or .) or between any of the operands except for the blank(s)
between the command and the first operand. A blank is also
required between each set of operands when more than one set of
operands are entered. Note that only one period (.), colon (:),
dash (-) or no delimiter may be used within each set of operands.
If, however, a blank immediately follows the designated type
character, the default dump starting and ending locations are assumed to be the beginning and/or end of virtual storage.
Similarly, if the range or length symbol separates the first
character froll a blank or END, all of real storage is dumped. Blanks separate operands or sets of operands if more than one
operand is entered on the same command line. Blanks should not
occur on the right or left of the range or length symbol, unless it
is intended to take the default value of the missing operand
defined by the blank. Thus, all of the following produce full
storage dumps. Vft/370 Operator's Guide
dacp 1 dacp dacp t dmcp dacp - allcp
d.cp dllcp
dmcp 0 dllcp Each of the following
eabedded blanks: dmcp 1 t aacp - : 1-
1: t: 1.
produces amcp t. dllcp t-end
dmcp 0- dllcp O:end dllcp 0: amcp l.end dllep o. aaep O.end aacp I-end three full dumps because of the
3. In cases where multiple storage ranges or limits are specified on
one command line and the line contains errors, coa.and execution
successfully processes all correct operands to the encountered
error. The encountered error and the remainder of the co •• and line
is rejected and an appropriate error aessage is displayed. 4. For default operand values (the beginning and ending of storage) to
be applicable, at least one operand must be specified.
5. In attached processor applications, the PSI values for the main and
the attached processor are not located at absolute page zero but
are displacements froll it. Therefore, prefixing the hexadecimal
location with an M or N will add the hexadecimal value to the
displacellent of the location of the assigned PSI for the designated
processor; for example: DMCP .40.8 Dumps the CSi of the main processor
n78-7f Dumps the I/O new PSi of the attached processor. Is the dump proceeds, the following message appears at the terminal indicating that the dump is continuing from the next 64K boundary: DUMPING LOC hexloc
where "hexloc" is the segment (64K) address for the dump continuation,
such as 020000, 030000, 040000. If the user signals attention on the terminal the above message is displayed, the dump ends. COftMIND COMPLETE indicates normal completion of the dump.
Section 3. CP Com.ands 71
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