Aut')call Adapter has not been installed in the 2703. The Dial command is accepted but then
rejected if issued to a line not associated with
an installed Autocall Adapte r.
2. For Poll or Search. This sense bit is not set during the execution of the
Read, Write, Prepare, Wrap, Enable, Disable, Inhibit, Sense, or Break commands.
1-Bit--Intervention Required
If a Read, Inhibit, Write, or Prepare command is
being executed and the addressed line has a data line
set attached, this bit is set:
1. If the data set has its powe r off.
2. If the data set is lion-hook. " 3. If the data set is not in data mode (is in either
test or talk mode).
4. If the data set is not attached.
5. For the Read and Inhibit commands only, if a
continuous Space signal is received for one
character time or greater.
6. If Dial is being executed, if the ACU's Power
Indicator is OFF.
7. During the Dial command if an ACU is not
attached for thi::, line.
This bit is not set for the Wrap, Enable, Disable, Sense, Poll, or Search commands.
4-Bit--Data Check This sense bit is set:
1. During the execution of Read and Inhibit if the
line is at Space at stop-bit time (the 2703 is out
of sync).
2. If the line is executing Write and a Break signal
is received over the Received Data line.
This bit is never set under the Dial, Enable, Prepare, Break, Wrap, Disable, Sense, Search, or Poll commands.
7 -Bit--Timeout
This sense bit is set:
1. During the execution of the Read command if no
characters are received for a continuous
period of 28 seconds.
2. During the execution of Dial if the ACU's Abandon Call and Retry line turns ON. This indicates that the call was not established in the
allotted time and should be redi::i.led. 3. During the execution of Prepare if a continuous Space signal longer than 28 seconds is received.
4. During the execution of Disable if a switched­
network data set does not go "on-hook" within
28 seconds after being signaled to do so. That
is, Data Set Ready does not turn OFF and
end the Disable command within 28 seconds (1\ the time Data Terminal Ready turned OFF. This sense bit is not set during the execution of the Write, Wrap, Enable, Break, Inhibit, Poll. or Sense commands. World Trade Telegraph Terminal Control
O-Bit--Command Reject.
This bit is set during initial selection by the inter­
face controls:
1. If a command that is not defined or cannot be
executed by the 2703 is presented.
2. If a Poll command is issued to a line contl'-::;!L::: by World Trade Telegraph Terminal Control.
This sense bit will not be set during the execution of
the Read, Write, Prepare, \Vrap, Enable, Disable,
Inhibit, Sense, or Break connnands.
1-Bit--Intervention Required
This sense bit is set: 1. To indicate that the addressed line has not
been enabled, if the Read, Inhibit, Write, Pre­ pare, or Break command is being executed.
2. If a continuous Space signal is received for one
character time or greater during the execution
of Read or Inhibit.
This bit is never set during the execution of the Dial, Wrap, Enable, Disable, Poll, or Sense commands.
4-Bit--Data Check This bit is set:
1. During the execution of Read or Inhibit if the
line is at Space at stop-bit time.
2. During the execution of Write or Break if an
echo check occurs.
This sense bit is not set under the Dial, Prepare,
Enable, Disable, or Sense commands.
7 -Bit--Timeout
This sense bit is set:
1. During the execution of Read if no characters
are received for a continuous period of more
than 28 seconds.
2. During the execution of Prepare if a continuous Space signal has been received for more than
28 seconds.
This sense bit is never set under the Write, Wrap, Dial, Disable, Enable, Break, Inhibit, Poll, or Sense commands.
2741 Break 0- Bit--Command Reject
This sense bit is set during initial selection:
1. By the interface controls if a command that is
not defined or cannot be executed by the 2703 is presented. This occurs if the Dial command
is issued and the Autocall Adapter has not been
installed in the 2703. The Dial command is
accepted but then rejected if issued to a line
not associated with an installed Autocall
2. By the terminal controls if an associated line
has been issued the Poll or Search command.
The Poll or Search is not executed, but is
ended immediately.
This sense bit is never set for the Read, Write,
Break, Prepare, Wrap, Enable, Disable, Inhibit,
or Sense commands.
1-Bit--Intervention Required
If a Read, Inhibit, Write, or Prepare command is
being executed and the addressed line has a data
line set attached, this bit is set:
1. If the data set has power off.
2. If the data set is "on-hook. " 3. If the data set is not in data mode.
4. If a data set is not attached to the 2703. 5. For the Read and Ir.hibit commands only, if a
continuous Space signal is received for one
character time or greater.
6. If, during transmit, a line is at Space for a
minimum of two successive characters.
7. If Dial is being executed, if the ACU's Power Indicator is OFF. 8. If the ACU is not connected to the 2703. This bit is never set under the Wrap, Enable, Dis­
able, or Sense commands.
4-Bit--Data Check
This sense bit is set:
1. During the execution of a Read or Inhibit
command if the line is at Space at stop-bit
time (2703 is out of sync).
2. When the line is executing Write or Wrap if a VRC; error is detected in one of the characters
being transmitted.
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