June 1976
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REFERENCES __________
(1) Newell, A., et al., eds., Information Processing Language-V _________________________________
Manual, 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1965. ______
(2) Sammet, J. E., Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals, ________________________________________________
Chapter 6, Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1969.
(3) Weizenbaum, J., "Symmetric List Processor," Communications of __________________
the ACM, Volume 6, No. 9, pp. 524-544, September 1963. _______
(4) Russel, D. B., Letter to the Editor, Communications of the ACM, _________________________
Volume 8, No. 5, p. 263, May 1965.
(5) Weizenbaum, J., Letter to the Editor, Communications of the ACM, _________________________
Volume 8, No. 5, pp. 263-264, May 1965.
(6) Findler, N. V., Pfaltz, J. L., and Bernstein, H. J., Four ____
High-Level Extensions of FORTRAN IV: SLIP, AMPOL-II, TREETRAN, ________________________________________________________________
SYMBOLANG, New York: Spartan Books, 1972. _________
(7) Waite, William M., Implementing Software for Non-Numeric Appli- _____________________________________________
cations, Series in Automatic Computation, New York: Prentice- _______
Hall, 1973.
148 SLIP

June 1976 Page Revised January 1983
INDEX _____
*ATTN* atom, 11, 56 Atoms, I/O destination, 47
*ERR* atom, 11, 56 Available space list, 112, 115,
*LISPLIB, 78, 89 121
*PGNT* atom, 11, 56 FAVSLC, 113, 120
*SLIP, 147 LAVSLC, 120
¬P editor command, LISP, 93 BI editor command, LISP, 97
BK debug command, LISP, 107
? editor command, LISP, 90 BKE debug command, LISP, 106
?? editor command, LISP, 97 BKF debug command, LISP, 106
BO editor command, LISP, 97
# debug command, LISP, 104 BOT function, SLIP, 124
# editor command, LISP, 93 BREAK function, LISP, 57
## debug command, LISP, 104 BREAKF function, LISP, 101
Buffers, 11, 48-49
ABS numeric operation, LISP, 25 BUFFERS data type, 11
ADD numeric operation, LISP, 25 BUG system indicator, 38, 41
ADDPROP function, LISP, 25 BX editor command, LISP, 92
ADDRESS numeric operation, LISP,
25 C...R functions, LISP, 19
ADD1 numeric operation, LISP, 25 CADLFT function, SLIP, 127
Advance functions, 131 CADRGT function, SLIP, 127
ADVLEL function, SLIP, 133 CAR function, LISP, 18
ADVLER function, SLIP, 133 CAR, righthand branch, 12
ADVLNL function, SLIP, 133 CDR function, LISP, 18
ADVLNR function, SLIP, 133 CDR, lefthand branch, 12
ADVLWL function, SLIP, 133 Cells, 116
ADVLWR function, SLIP, 133 CHECK option, 85
ADVSEL function, SLIP, 133 CHECKPOINT function, LISP, 76
ADVSER function, SLIP, 133 CHRn function, SLIP, 143
ADVSNL function, SLIP, 133 Cn function, SLIP, 143
ADVSNR function, SLIP, 133 COMPILE function, LISP, 82
ADVSWL function, SLIP, 133 Compiler, LISP, 82
ADVSWR function, SLIP, 133 CONC function, LISP, 20
AND function, LISP, 30 COND function, LISP, 30
APPEND function, LISP, 20 CONS function, LISP, 20
APPLY function, LISP, 27 COPY function, LISP, 20
APPLY1 function, LISP, 28, 89
ARGS debug command, LISP, 104 Data elements, 117
Arrays, 12, 42 DATUM function, SLIP, 124, 142
ASSOC function, LISP, 19 Debugging, LISP, 41, 56, 101
AT debug command, LISP, 105 DEFINE function, LISP, 39
ATOM predicate, LISP, 17 DEFUN function, LISP, 39
Atoms, 9 DELETE editor command, LISP, 95
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