SISTEK LOGIC AND PROBLEM DETERMINATION GUIDE HAS BEEN REORGANIZED Documentation only 1991£ and Problem Determination Guide has been-split-Into three-VOIuies.--ioIuae 1 contains the CP component, Volume 2 the component,
and Volume 3 the RSCS component.
The following material has been removed
from this publication: "Introduction to Debugging"
"Debugging with information can be found in and
This "Appendix A. VM/370 Coding
Conventions." This information can
be found in "Appendix B. DASD Record Formats." This information can be found in in the FORMAT section. "Appendix c. Restrictions."
This information can be found in gDg Syste! or D. Applying PTFs." This information can be found in Guid2· The following sections have been reaoved from the Diagnostic Aids" section
of this publication: ZAP Service Program. A complete
description of ZAP can be found in DDR. A complete can be found in description of DDR CMS Return Codes. These can be found
in Me§§ggg§. Commands for Debugging.
description of DEBUG can A complete
be found in Summary of Amendments
for SI20-0887 VM/370 Release 5 PLC 1
The following has been added to Volume 2: "Appendix!: CMS Macro Library" "Appendix B: CMS/Des Macro Library"
The following topics have been removed from PCP Diagnostic Aids": CP Commands Used to Debug the Virtual Machine. These are contained in !Q! CP Commands for System ihese are contained V8/370 SUPPORTS PROCESSORS 3031, 3032, !2!: Program Feature Programmers. in AND 3033 VM/370 provides support for the new
channel-attached consoles that are part
of the 3033 processors. VM/370 uses the 3033 processor aodel numbers in
selecting monel-dependent routines and
setting pertinent time slices. The
channels of the new processors are
supported by the channel check error ______ During initialization of the machine
check handler/channel check handler,
error frames are read from the Service
Record File (SRF) and written to the V8/370 error recording area as a new
record type. Su •• ary of Amendments xi
VM/370 MONITOR COMMAND ENHANCED Feature VM/370 monitor facilities now include,
in addition to data collection on tape,
spooling to disk. Operands have been
added to the MONITOR command that allow: The autcmatic start and
collection by defined values.
stop of data time-fo-day The automatic start and stop of data
collection by defining a high limit
value. Specification
recipient of
data. !H SCELLANEOUS of i1 userid
the spocled
as the
monitor Programming and Documentation Minor technical and editorial changes
have been made in order to clarify the
xii IBM VM/370 System Logic and problem Determination--Volume 2
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