The linkage to either the PC or AB routine is reestablished, and the
cancel condition is reset by clearing the abnormal end indication in the
partition PIB extension. Control is returned to the instruction
following the EXIT AB .acro. SiCS TREATED AS NO-OP BY CMS/DOS Action 10: interval
18: S'rXIT (IT) 20: Establishes linkage to OC 22: Seizes (interruption enable/disable) 24; Sets timer interval
35: Holds a track
36: Frees a track 41: Dequeues a resource 42: Enqueues a resource
52: 0 seconds returned as timer interval in register 0 67: PFIX, fixes pages in real storage
68: PFREE, frees pages in real storage
71: SETPFA 85: RELPAG 86: FCEPGOUT 87: PAGEIN !QI The following SiCs cause an error aessage to be generated and are treated as a CANCL (SVC 6). SV £ !f.t!.2.!! 3: Forces dequeue 13: Sets switches in BGCOM 15: Heads queue and executes channel program 19: Returns from user's IT
21: EXIT (OC) 23: Loads phase header
25: Issues HIO 27: Special HIO 28: Returns from user's MR 29: Multiple ilITM support 30: Waits for a QTAM element
31: Posts a QTAM element
32: for IBM use
38: Initializes a subtask
39: Terminates a subtask 43: Reserved for IBM use 44: External unit checks record
45: Emulator interface 46: OLTEP in supervisor state
47: Multiple WAITF support
48: Fetches a CRT trans
49: Reserved by IBM 51: Returns phase header
53: Reserved by IBM 54: Frees real page frames
55: Gets real page frames
56: Gets or frees PUB of POWER device
57: Makes POWER dispatchable
58: Interface between JCL and supervisor
59: Interface between EOJ and supervisor 60: EREP and CRT I/O areas address
69: REALAD 70: VIRTAD CMS Method of Operation and Program Organization 2-141
72: GETCBUF/FREECBUF 73: SETAPP 74: Fixes pages in real storage for restart
76: Initializes for recording of RMSR I/O error
77: TRANSCSW 78: Reserved for IBM use
79: Reserved for IBM use 80: Reserved for IBM use
81: Reserved for IBM use
82: Reserved for IBM use
83: Reserved for IBM use
84: Reserved for IBM use
88 and up:
Reserved for IBM use PROCESS CMS/DOS SERVICE COMMANDS DMSSRV--Copies books from a system or private source statement library
to a output device. DMSPRV--Copies DOS procedures from a DOS system procedure library to a
specified output device. DMSRRV--Copies modules from a system or private relocatable library to a
specified output device. DMSDSV--Lists the directories of DOS private or system libraries. DMSDSL--Deletes members (phases) of a DOSLIB library; compresses a DOSLIB library; lists the members (phases) of a DOSLIB library. ESERV--De-edits, displays or punches, verifies, and updates edit assembler macros from the source statement library.
TERMINATE PROCESSING THE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT DMSBAB--Gives control to an abnormal termination routine once linkage to
such a routine has been established via the STIlT AB macro. DMSITP--Processes program interrupts and SPIE exits. DMSDMP--Simulates the $$BDUMP and $$BPDU8P routines; issues a CP DU5P command directing the dump to an offline printer.
2-148 IBM VM/370 System Logic and program Determination--Volume 2
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