72: GETCBUF/FREECBUF 73: SETAPP 74: Fixes pages in real storage for restart
76: Initializes for recording of RMSR I/O error
77: TRANSCSW 78: Reserved for IBM use
79: Reserved for IBM use 80: Reserved for IBM use
81: Reserved for IBM use
82: Reserved for IBM use
83: Reserved for IBM use
84: Reserved for IBM use
88 and up:
Reserved for IBM use PROCESS CMS/DOS SERVICE COMMANDS DMSSRV--Copies books from a system or private source statement library
to a output device. DMSPRV--Copies DOS procedures from a DOS system procedure library to a
specified output device. DMSRRV--Copies modules from a system or private relocatable library to a
specified output device. DMSDSV--Lists the directories of DOS private or system libraries. DMSDSL--Deletes members (phases) of a DOSLIB library; compresses a DOSLIB library; lists the members (phases) of a DOSLIB library. ESERV--De-edits, displays or punches, verifies, and updates edit assembler macros from the source statement library.
TERMINATE PROCESSING THE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT DMSBAB--Gives control to an abnormal termination routine once linkage to
such a routine has been established via the STIlT AB macro. DMSITP--Processes program interrupts and SPIE exits. DMSDMP--Simulates the $$BDUMP and $$BPDU8P routines; issues a CP DU5P command directing the dump to an offline printer.
2-148 IBM VM/370 System Logic and program Determination--Volume 2
Performing Miscellaneous eMS Functions
The CftS Batch Facility and error printouts are described below. CMS BATCH FACILITY The CMS Batch Facility is a function of CMS. It provides a vay of
entering individual user jobs through an active CMS machine from the
virtual card reader rather than from the console. The batch facility
reissues the IPL com.and after each job.
The CMS Batch Facility consists of tvo modules: DMSBTB, the bootstrap
routine (a nonrelocatable CMS module file) and DMSBTP, the processor
routine (a relocatable CMS text file that runs free storage).
The bootstrap module, DMSBTB, loads the processor routine DMSBTP and the
user exit routines BATEXIT1 and BATEXIT2 (if they exist) into free
storage. DMSBTB first ensures that DMSINS (eMS initialization) has set the BATRUI and BATLOAD flags on in the CMS nucleus constant area indicating
that either an explicit batch initial program load command has been
issued or that the CftSBATCH command has been issued immediately after
initial program load has taken place. If not, error message DMSBTB101E is typed and the batch console returns to a normal CftS interactive
environment. STATE (DMSSTT) is then called to confirm the existence of
the processor file DftSBTP TEXT. If the file does not exist, error
message DMSTBT100E is typed and the batch console returns to the cas interactive environment. Using the "state" copy of the file status table (FST) for DMSBTP, DMSBTB computes the size of TEXT file by multiplying the logical
record length by the nu.ber of logical records (no DS constants). A free storage request is made for the size of DMSBTP and the address of
the r9utine is then stored at ABATPROC in the NUCON area of the eMS nucleus.
The existence of the user exit routines is determined by STATE. If
they exist, their sizes are included in the request for free storage.
The free storage address is translated into graphic hexadecimal
for. at and the CMS LOAD command is issued to load the DMSBTP TEXT file
into the reserved free storage area. The user exit routines, BATEXITl TEXT and BATEXIT2 TEXT are also loaded at this time. If these files do
not exist, an unresolved external reference error code is returned by
the loader, but is ignored by DMSBTB because these routines are
optional. If an error (other than unresolved names) occurs, error
.essage DMSBTB101E is typed and the batch console returns to the ees interactive environment.
The loader tables are searched
point DMSBTPAB in the loaded batch
for the address of the ABEND entry
processor. When the entry is found, eMS Method of Operation and program organization 2-149
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