If a hard error is detected at the reader, DMSBTP sends an
"intervention required" message to the system console and branches to
its abnormal terminal routine and waits for an interruption for the
reader by issuing the WA1TD macro. When a /* card is read (with the BATMOVE flag off) or when the
end-of-file condition occurs at the reader, D"SBTP branches to the
cleanup routine which sends the source userid a message stating that the
job ended noraally or abnormally (if cleaning up after an abnormal
termination) and turns off the BATUSEX flag (for DMSCPF) to signal the
end of the user job. CONWAIT (DMSCWT) is called via SVC to allow any
console I/O to finish, the spooling devices are closed (including the console), and all disks that were made available by issuing the CP LINK command are returned by issuing the CP DETACH command. DMSBTP then relinquishes central by issuing the CP 1PL command with
the PARM BATCH option which loads a new CMS nucleus and the next job is
started when CMS attempts its first read to the console.
A branch is made to the CMSBTP routine when DMSBTP itself detects an I/O error at the the 0[ Luutille is
to receive central not only from DMSABN when there is an abnoraal termination during the user job, but also frem DMSITE, DMSPIO, and DMSCIO when a user job exceeds one of the batch job limits (BATXL1M flag
is on). This routine, entry point DMSBTPAB, calls the CP DUMP routine
via SVC and then branches to the cleanup routine which reloads CMS Batch
and treat the remainder of the current job as a new job with no /JOB card. This has the effect of flushing the remainder of the job. This
technique is used because batch must its reader spooled
"continuous." Entry point DMSBTPAB is also used by the CMS commands
that are disabled in CMS batch. In this case (EATDCMS flag set on), an
error message is displayed and control returned to CMS. When a CP coamand is called via an SVC in DMSBTP, the CMS CP module (DMSCPF) is actually called to issue the DIAGNOSE instruction to invoke
the CP coa.and. DMSBTP calls DMSCPF by issuing a direct SVC 202 or by
issuing the LINEDIT macro with the CPCOMM option that generates an SiC 203. Several CMS modules check whether CMS batch is running, and, if so, perform functions associated with batch operation. These are shown in
the following list: DMSINI DMSINS DMSLDR DMSCRD DMSITE DMSPIO DMSCIO DMSABN tMSERR DMSMVE Function Performed for CMS Batch Passes-batch-parameters-to DMS1NS. Uses batch 1PL parameters to reload CMS Batch.
Loads DMSBTP into free storage.
Passes control to DMSBTP to read from the reader rather than
from the console.
Accounts for virtual time used by batch job --ABEND if over
Accounts for number of lines printed by batch job ABEND if
over limit. Accounts for number of cards punched by batch job ABEND if
over li.it.
Passes control to batch ABEND routine in DMSBTP. Passes control to batch ABEND routine instead of entering
disabled wait state.
Turns the flag on and off -- allows batch to treat
moved blanks as data.
2-152 IBM VM/370 System Logic and Program Determination--Volume 2
DMSSET DMSRDC DMSCPF DMSFLD DMSDSK Disabled if batch except during batch initialization.
Disabled if batch runn1ng.
Distinguishes between CP command issued by user and by batch.
Disallows reader device specification.
Disk load not allowed in batch. ERROR PRINTOUTS VM/370 error recording records and records passed via the SVC 76 by
virtual machines are accumulated in chronological order on the VM/370 error recording cylinders. The following modules are used by CMS CPEREP to edit and print error records compiled ty VM/370 as well as SYS1.LOGREC data sets: DMSREA IFCEREP1 Function CheckS-some of the operanus invoked by CPEREP for validity and
passes the operands to IFCEREP1 for further processing.
Reads pages from the error recording cylinder and makes the
records available to IFCPEREP1. Selects error records according to sUPFlied CPEREP operands or
default values, and formats the records for output.
Detailed descriptions of the CPEREP command, the DMSIFC and DMSREA modules, and EREP (IFCEREP1) are found in the g1IsEg and the VMLllQ 1Qg!£ with
aFpropriate referrals to CMS Method of Operation and Program Organization 2-153
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