CD ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTIONS Source: GC24-3414 for DOS GC28-6514 for OS Function Mnemonic Meaning
Data definition DC Define constant OS Define storage CCW Define channel command word
Program START Start assembly
sectioning CSECT Identify control section
and linking DSECT Identify dummy section
DXD* Define external dummy section CXD* Cumulative length of external dummy section COM Identify blank common control section
ENTRY Identify entry-point symbol
EXTRN Identify external symbol
WXTRN Identify weak external symbol
Base register USING Use base address register
assignment DROP Drop base address register Control of listings TITLE Identify assembly output EJECT Start new page SPACE Space listing PRINT Print optional data
Program control ICTl Input format control ISEQ I nput sequence checking PUNCH Punch a card REPRO Reproduce following card ORG Set location counter
EQU Equate symbol OPSYN* Equate operation code lTORG Begin literal pool CNOP Conditional no operation COpy Copy predefined source coding
END End assembly
Macro definition MACRO Macro definition header MNOTE Request for error message MEXIT Macro definition exit
MEND Macro definition trailer Conditional ACTR Conditional assembly loop counter
assembly AGO Unconditional branch AIF Conditional branch ANOP Assembly no operation
GBlA Define global SET A symbol
GBlB Define global SETB symbol GBlC Define global SETC symbol lClA Define local SET A symbol lClB Define local SETB symbol lClC Define local SETC symbol SETA Set arithmetic variable symbol SETB Set binary variable symbol SETC Set character variable symbol ·OS only
CONDITION CODES Condition Code Setting 0 Mask Bit Position 8
Floating-Point Arithmetic
Add Normalized SlUE zero
Add Unnormalized S/L zero
Compare S/L (A:B) equal
Load and Test S/L zero
Load Complement S/L zero
Load Negative S/L zero
Load Positive S/L zero
Subtract Normalized S/L/E zero
Subtract Unnormaiized S/L zero
Fixed-Point and Decimal.Arithmetic
Add H/F/Dec. zero
Add Logical zero,
no carry
Compare H/F/Dec. (A:B) equal
Load and Test zero
Load Complement zero
Load Negative zero
Load Positive zero Shift Left Single/Double zero Shift Right Single/DQuble zero
Subtract H/F /Dec. zero
Subtract Logical Zero and Add zero Logical Operations
AND zero
Compare Logical (A:B) equal
Edit zero
Edit and Mark zero
Exclusive OR zero OR zero
Test under Mask zero
Translate and Test zero Input/Output Operations Halt I/O interruption
pending Start I/O started
Test I/O available Test Channel available Miscellaneous Operations
Test and Set zero
Load Real Address (Mod. 67) successful NOTES 1
A low <zero
not zero,
no carry
A low <zero
not zero,
no carry
not zero
A low <zero
not zero
not zero
incomplete CSW stored CSW stored CSW stored
A high
A high
A high
complete halted busy
burst mode
unavailable CD 3
not zero,
overflow overflow overflow overflow not zero,
not oper
not oper
not oper
not oper
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