Highlights ••••••••••••••• 1-1 3031 Attached Processor Complex support.1-2 Program Logic Publications ••••• 1-2
12 and 16 Megabyte Available Processor Storage Capability ••••••••••• 1-3
4331 and 4341 Processor Support ••• _ .1-4 SRL and Program Logic Publications •• 1-5 3203 Model 5 Printer Support _ ••••• 1-6 SRL and Program Logic Publications •• 1-6 3800 Printing Subsystem Support ••••• 1-7
Dedicated 3800 printer Support •••• 1-7 Support of the 3800 as a Real VM/370 Spooling Device. .1-7
Additional VM/370 Support of the 3800 printing Subsystem. .1-8 Creating Control Information for the 3800 Printer. ••• 1-8 Named System Support •• .1-8 Using the 3800 Printer With Standalone utilities or With a VM/370 Starter System •• _ ••••• 1-8
Reference Material •••••••••• 1-9 saL and Program Logic Publications •• 1-9 3850 Mass Storage System (MSS) Extended Support ••••••••••• 1-10 SRL and Program Logic Publications. 1-11 VM/370 Measurement Facility (Monitor). 1-12 Channel and Device Utilization ••• 1-12 Storage Utilization. 1-12
Alternate Path Statistics. 1-12 AP/UP Usage. 1-13 Selective Seeks. 1-13
Monitor-To-Disk Support for Real Time. ••• _ 1-13 saL and Program Logic Publications 1-13 Shared Segment Modifications ••• 1-14
Elimination of Automatic Unshare •• 1-14 Unprotected Shared Segments ••••• 1-14 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-15
Trace Table Size Change •••••••• 1-16 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-16 Multiple Alternate Consoles Support •• 1-17 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-17 LOGON/AUTOLOG/LINK Journaling Option 1-18 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-19 Password-On-The-Command-Line SUFpression Option. 1-20 saL and Program Logic Publications 1-20 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking Program Product. 1-21 SRL Publicaticns 1-21 Special Message Facility ••••••• 1-22 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-22
Modification to the Diagnose X'8' Interface 1-23 SRL and Program Logic Publications 1-23
Directory Update-In-Place Support. 1-24
Contents SRL and Program Logic Publications Directory Program Fast I/O Support SRL and Program Logic Publications Support for the MSGNCH (Message No
Header) Command SRL and Program Logic Publications Read Inhibit Su ])Port -. SRL and prograa Logic Publications Automatic Reinitialization Support SRL and Program Logic Publications DL/1 in a CMS/DOS Environment.
1-29 Publications SECTION 2. CP, CMS, RSCS, AND IPCS MODULE SUMMARY •••• .2-1
Resequenced Modules -- Release 6 .2-1
.2-1 CP CftS ••••• IPCS .. .. .. RSCS •• .2-1 .2-1 •••••• 2-1 Split ftodules CP •• Release 6 •• 2-2 CMS •• IPCS RSCS .2-2 •••••• 2-2 .2-2 .2-2
Attached Processor (AP) Only Modules Release CP 6 ••••••••••• 2-2 CMS •• IPCS RSCS Changed Modules CP •• CMS ••••• IPCS RSCS •• 2-2 •••••• 2-2 •••••• 2-2 .2-2
Release 6 .2-3 .2-3 •••••• 2-3 .2-3 •••••• 2-3 New Modules -- Release 6 CP •• .2-4 •••••• 2-4 CMS ••••• IPCS RSCS .2-4 .2-4 ••• 2-4 ••• 2-4 Deleted Modules -- Release 6 CP •••••• 2-4 CM S. '. IPCS RSCS .2-4 .2-4 .2-4 SECTION 3. COMMAND, MACRO INSTRUCTION. AND SERVICE PROGRAM SOMMABY .3-1 New CP Commands. •• 3-1 Changes to CP Com.ands ••••••••• 3-2 New VM/370 System Generaticn ftacro Instructions •••••••••••••• 3-5 Changes to VM/370 System Generation Macro Instructions ••••••••••• 3-7 New and Changed V8/370 Service Frograms.3-8 Changes to System ABEND Codes and WilT States ••••••••••••••••• 3-9 Contents v
The V8/370 Library ••••••••••• 4-1
Deleted Publications. ••• 4-1 New Publications. .4-1
Current Status of VM/370 Publications and = = = = : : = = : : : = = :4-1 EREP Publications ••••••••••• 4-2
Changes to V8/370 Publications ••••• 4-3 Minor Additions to Other Publications Since their Publication •••••••• 4-4 SECTION 5. ORDERING AND DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES. Basic Program Material Optional program Material. Program Materials List Basic System Tapes Optional TaFes SECTION 6. CHANGES TO VM/370 •• 5-1 5-1 ••••• 5-4 •• 5-4 5-10 RESTRICTIONS. ••••• 6-1
Dynamically Modified Channel Programs •• 6-1
vi IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide Mini disk Restrictions •••••••••• 6-1
Timing Dependencies ••••••••••• 6-1 Processor Model Dependent Functions ••• 6-1
Channel Model Dependent Functions •••• 6-1 Virtual Machine Characteristics. .6-1 C!S Restrictions . _ _ _ _ 8SS Restrictions Miscellaneous Restrictions ••• 6-1 SECTION 7. APAR LIST •• APARs Affecting CP APARs Affecting CftS. APABs Affecting RSCS APARs Affecting IPCS SECTION 8. MAINTAINING CO!FATIEILITY .6-2 .6-2 .7-1
.7-1 .7-2
.7-3 WITH SUPPORTED HARDWARE ABn SOFTWARE. .8-1 V8/370 ECPS Coapatibility. .8-1 Programs Utilizing Protected Shared
Segments. •• 8-1
Spool File Incompatitility .8-1
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