Changes to VM/370 Publications
Changes to the content of VM/370 publications are shown in the following
chart. The changes reflect the elimination of duplicate information.
The chart shows the publications that no longer contain this information
and the publications where this information is either retained or Also shown are enhancements to material presently in the I Content
Logon Procedure Shared Segments 3850 MSS Terminal Model Numbers
Journaling Modules Directory Service Program CMs Batch
General Information for a VM/370 Virtual Machiner a VM/370 Performance Considerations Virtual Machine Assist
Extended Control Program Support Virtual=Real ILocked Pages Option I Reserved Pages Option Priority Favored Execution Option INDICATE Command for
General Users INDICATE Co •• and for System Analysts MONITOR Command for
for System Analysts
Publication IIntroduction I I ITerminal User's Guide IData Areas & Cntrl Elk
lap Guide IPlan and Sys Gen lOp Guide ICMS User's Guide lap Sys in a Virt Mach ISys Prog Guide lap Sys in a Virt Mach ISys Prog Guide
lap Sys in a Virt Mach ISys Frog Guide lap Sys in a Virt Mach ISys prog Guide lOp Sys in a Virt ISys Prog Guide lap sys in a Virt Mach ISys Pr.og Guide
lap Sys in a Virt Mach ISys prog Guide lOp sys in a Virt Mach ISys prog Guide
lap sys in a Virt Mach ISys Prog Guide
top sys in a Virt Mach ISys Prog Guide ICP Com Ref for Gen Users lap sys in a Virt Bach Isys Prog Guide
lap sys in a Virt Mach Isys Prog Guide Status I Enhanced I Enhanced IEnhanced IDeleted IEnhanced IDeleted IAdded ,Deleted IAdded IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged
'Deleted I Unchanged I Unchanged IDeleted ,Unchanged IDeleted I Unchanged section 4. VM/310 Pu£lications 4-3
I Content Publication Status r--------------------------------------------------------------------- ISystem Operator's IVirtual Machine (OPERATOR) lOp sys in a Virt Mach IPlan and Sys Gen IDeleted IAdded 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IVirtual Machine to Receive ISystem Dumps (OPERATNS) lOp sys in a virt Mach IPlan and Sys Gen IDeleted lidded 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Machines for Updating and Supporting VM/370 (VMSYS) A Hardware Virtual Machine (SERV) lap sys in a virt Mach IPlan and sys Gen lOP sys in a Virt Mach IPlan and Sys Gen
Controlling a Terminal Session lOP sys in a Virt Mach ICP Com Ref for Gen Users Controlling Input/Output Function
Controlling the Virtual Machine lap sys in a Virt Mach ICP Com Ref for Gen Users lOp sys in a Virt Mach ICP Com Ref for Gen Users Testing/Debugging of Programs lap sys in a virt Mach ICP Com Ref for Gen Users Processor Model and Channel Model Dependencies 3850 MSS IEBIMAGE Interface program MSS Communicator CP ABEND Codes lap sys in a Virt Mach I lOp sys in a virt Mach IService Routines PtM I ISys Logic and Prob. Det I Guide, Volume 1 ISystem Messages IDeleted IAdded IDeleted IAdded IDeleted IAdded IDeleted IAdded IDeleted IAdded IDeleted IAdded IEnhanced I IEnhanced lidded lidded IDeleted I I Unchanged Minor Additions to Other Publications Since Their Publication A release guide is the last publication to be printed in support of a
release. As such, information for other publications that is worthy of
note but was released too late for inclusion in other publications is
documented in this section.
The CP abend codes which were
publication are now included only GC20-1808-9. This change eliminates
within the VM/370 library. 4-4 IBM VM/370 Release 6 Guide
previously documented in this
in duplication of the information
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